Honestly I cant find any info if someone made one, nor a thread where someone did and says that spoofing soc PIDS isn't enough for plug-in mod. Is anyone willing to make one such device (just a software is enough. I can put hardware together myself) for me to test? PIDs are easily available...
I had no idea what a MitM device was until I read your post and did a quick search. Anyways, I found one, on second look, it's listed as out of stock CAN MITM Bridge (3-port, rev. 2.5) from MUXSAN on Tindie maker> Emile Nijssen might try searching under muxsan
i understand and agree with you, but i think it is the reason that information is hard to find. a few people here did it back in the day, mostly in europe. i'm surprised you can't find those threads, although i'm not sure if they offered any technical information.
well.. i plan on making my Gen 2 a PHEV model... after I make a V into a PHEV with AWD and the new 2.0L motor... 2025 will be a spectacular year!
let me ask you... what are you trying to accomplish? I actually had a PCB board made that connects to the OBD2 port that I am using to talk to the rear electric motor controller of my AWD conversion on a Plugin. Since it also has an sd card slot, my plan is to have an easy way of logging the vehicles data without the need of a smart device like I do now with Hybird Assistant.
I'm trying to convert lexus gs450h to li-ion. To do so i have to find messages of SOC bms to main ECU. Spoof them and see what happens. Then make an arduino that reads new battery SOC from li-ion bms and sends spoofed SOC to main ECU. Then the next step is plug-in. I have due, uno and RPI4 lying around with canbus boards but that's all. Still missing motivation and some free time. Im on a vacation for two next weeks so perhaps i'll finally do something now. Have i-miev CMUs to figure out first, as it seems like an easier task which can be done at home.
you are speaking my language... you are thinking too big with those boards... think esp32... lots basically done depending on how crafty you are, but why do you think you need to do all that spoofing and jazz hands? which cells are you going to be using? have you decided on those yet? If my beleif is correct, keep in mind I havent dicected a GS450h yet... define next step plugin... aka PHEV? Which year GS450h tho? Someone was selling a 2017 local for like $1500 and said it needed a HV battery... I just didnt have anywhere to put it until I could get to it.. ill find another....
1) I just listed boards that I already own. Can buy esp32 no problem. I can do soldering and crimping. Software is what I have no idea about. 2) I am convinced there's 6.5ah limit because there was a post somewhere by a russian guy that swapped cells and that was his issue. I can't find it though and I have searched a lot to find it again. Also without SOC spoofing it's not possible to utilize different range of voltage of different chemistry. 3) I have not decided on any cells yet. I will look for something either cheap'ish or of similar dimensions of the original battery. 4)Phev could be a cherry on top. Not really something useful. Speed and power limit of GS450h ev mode is disappointing. It won't ever be the same experience as a PHEV car ever. 2007 year in my case.
I'm not familiar with the speed and limits of the GS450h but I do know the Gen 4 Prime can go around 82mph in EV mode and my Gen 3 Plug-in didnt from the factory yet I have all but one component I need to have my Gen 3 mimic the same... If I were you, don't rely on any information from anyone else online other than to validate or compare with your findings. I have found that most of what people say on how these things works is pretty inaccurate and most have no hands on experience... So this is the thing, I really wish you were local to me as I am sure I'd be able to figure something out for you. I was about to buy one with a bad hv battery for $1500 i just didnt have anywhere to put it, I really want to buy one with bad motor and swap in the V8 hybrid from the LS600hl and the AWD CVT.