Buyer beware of this seller hybridplus, bought a complete battery pack of 28 cells (2016 Prius V, car cells went bad at 200k), that offered a 1 year warranty, bought all 28 so there was no issue of balancing, after 3 months, same death rattle, same codes for battery pack, misfire etc. Seller stated he will send replacements after certified hybrid professional tests them. Had them tested, 9 were not holding charge, even others were below threshold but usable. Seller asks for serial numbers. Okay. At this point it was too much back and forth, i thought he'll send me another that will last 3 months? Wasn't worth the labor costs. I asked for a partial refund, but seller stated there will be no refund. I asked what is the point, they don't last but a few months. After that no response. I hope this helps others.
Used modules are a problem where ever you buy them. Some sellers like GreenTec just charge more so their “warranty” swaps are covered. Not sure how the hv battery causes a death rattle / misfires.
True, but the misfire i believe is caused by the weak battery pack slowly killing the water pump over time because the battery bars barely last 45 minutes. Our priority is getting a battery pack that doesn’t drain like the one now. Then look into the misfire. water pump could be on its way out. Thank you.
A weak battery pack will NOT "kill" the water pump. The water pump is powered from the car's 12v power system, not the high voltage HV battery. A bad engine water pump can cause the engine to overheat, which can lead to the head gasket to go bad. Many different things can cause an engine misfire. Bad head gasket is one of the things. I would diagnose the engine misfire before spending any money to replace the HV battery. If you have a bad head gasket and HV battery, it may be time to buy a different car.
Buying old used batteries, some are probably older than your car (if you know how to read the stamped codes on the batteries) is always a gamble. The only way to make your car reliable again is to replace with a new battery pack. IMHO... You can file a complaint with Ebay and they'll boot them from the site. Chances of getting your money back is slim to null. Hope this helps....
If you have engine issues, your probably looking at another major expense. Those Gen3's are know for blowing head gaskets around 150K or more miles. IMHO; you should probably verify that you don't have engine issues before proceeding further, so it'll be easier to cut your loses and move onto another car. I realize you just spent some money on a bunch of batteries, so you've got some sunk cost into it. You seem to be a bit mechanically inclined, so look for something that's a lot cheaper and easier to maintain - even if it burns a little bit more gas. The hassles and expenses aren't worth it - IMHO... Hope this helps....
At this point, I'm guessing the seller has "blocked" you - automatically sending all your emails directly into his trash can. Talk to Ebay customer service line, it's probably automated now - file a complaint about the vendor. I had success 3-4 years ago, when an overseas vendor sent me junk. They forced a reversal of charges. Another avenue to pursue is your credit card company that you used; they can do the same., but you only have 30-90 days for that. Since the vendor advertised 1 year warranty, use that with Ebay customer service and leave a negative feedback on the site. You can edit and change it later, once the vendor complies. Hope this helps...
Are you paying someone to install these modules? Sounds like they are willing to replace your nine modules. I imagine you are in for ~$750 to buy 28-30 modules. So you want a partial refund of $250? Reading the listing and feedback, I would speculate their obligation is only to send you replacement modules. If you refuse replacements, eBay is unlikely to refund. eBay does have the power to refund you directly and charge them but usually that happens when there is outright fraud and no communication from the seller. My suggestion is to drop the water pump and engine rattling complaint based on the hv battery - they know that can’t be true. I would message them and say you now understand the bad modules are a separate problem and you just want replacements for those modules. eBay ad 10X Toyota Prius Camry Hybrid Battery Cells Modules 7.8V - 8V TESTED (6 Cells) | eBay
Once you know how the module refurbishing and gird charging is done, sellers advertising for refuirbished packs becomes less and less believable. Reports like yours above only reinforce the notion of how business works these days. And if by chance you find a business that is not in it for max profits at the customer expense, it's a sad day when that business closes for whatever reason(s).
the pump is a separate issue, its just the modules that are bad, bars go up then shortly back down, P0A80. Anyway we wanted replacements or the refund on those (seller asked of serial numbers on initial message, gave those too, but after my request for a refund, no response, ebay stated try your credit card company, they said its outside their hands now that its been several months outside the 30 day ebay protection. Ebay did say they will message the seller. But not holding my breath. Ebay protects the seller way too much, I have no way to report the person. In the initial message, seller stated no way all 28 have gone bad but maybe 5-10 could go bad, since I asked for all 28 to get replaced, its basically an admission knowing he/she is selling things that don't last even the 1 year. The problem is ebay as well, where they're more seller oriented where amazon is buyer orientated, amazon disable a seller right away until the issue is resolved. I doubt i will see replacements show up.
I have to disagree on a couple of points. First the listing is clear there are no refunds but they warranty for one year. Which means used replacements as the remedy for failed used modules. They are no different than any of the other used module vendors. Used really can not be reconditioned to last a long time. The diy crowd around here often “reconditioned” cells themselves but most figured out long term reliability of new is worth the money. Unless they are simply flipping the car to an unsuspecting buyer. Regarding eBay, I have bought and sold on eBay for decades and many hundreds of items. They will 99% back the buyer as long as the buyer is not asking for something the listing prohibits. Almost everytime an item fails the seller has the primary option to replace the product. Usually if the bad item is returned. Items from China often give refunds since shipping it back is costly. The eBay buyer cautions are: a) the listing says no refunds or b) the item has a high initial shipping cost paid by the buyer AND the listing says return shipping will be paid by the buyer. In the second case the buyer may pay 2/3 of their initial costs to return an item. I still think you can get replacement modules. Perhaps you are now wanting new. I don’t blame you if that is now the case.
If your eBay name hybridPlus? eBay can’t find the original listing, they can’t tell if a refund is an option, that on ebay, the eBay operator looked at the newer listing to see the warranty wording. I’ll take the replacements but far as I can tell the seller has blocked me. Let’s give it a week or two and see if they show up at my door.
the seller probably deleted the original post, but you should be able to access it in your ebay purchases folder. Copy that and send it to Ebay CS, there should be tracking numbers embedded, so they can dig up a deleted post. I used to write databases for a living - that's the first thing we lay-down, an audit trail file. That way we could prove that it wasn't a programming glitch that cost the firm money, but human error. Hope this helps....
My experience is when and if the seller changes the listing the buyer has an option under Purchases to See Original Listing. If that option is not there, the current listing is unchanged. You won’t get replacements unless you follow through and ask just for the documented bad modules to be replaced. It sounds like you have opened a case requesting a refund.
I asked for replacements, I gave serial numbers as they requested, no response, nothing. I did also ask for a refund (not even a full refund) so we could both walk away from any future issues, it was ignored.There was no case open for a refund because the transaction is long passed any action for that. The seller does not stand by any warranty. I will wait some time for replacements.