BRAKE- ABS- VSC- Warning Lights On Mechanic said he read 'the Code' & it had something to do with 'Drivers side Rear Brake' He thoroughly checked the 'Drivers side rear brake' and found nothing wrong- He was not concerned *Now 400 miles & 3 weeks later the=BRAKE- ABS- VSC- Warning Lights came Back On again The Prius is driving & braking fine? ---*What are some of the things on 'Drivers side rear brake area=== That will cause the BRAKE- ABS- VSC- Warning Lights to come On
or just clueless.. a code means that there's an issue to check. He did check but since the car runs fine assume it's okay...
*What are some of the things on 'Drivers side rear brake area' **That will cause the BRAKE- ABS- VSC- Warning Lights to come On
What is the trouble code that the mechanic found?????? Then you will get some help. How hard is it to provide the actual trouble code?
Most standard code readers won’t read hybrid specific codes but…(Places Carnac hat on) 1. Rear hub speed sensor is a possibility. This code is standard and any scanner could read. There are several detailed codes such as a wiring open or sensor failure. On this car the rear sensors are built into the rear wheel bearing hub. If bad the whole hub is replaced. A moderate expense. but… those sensors rarely go bad and even more rarely come and go…so 2. Brake Booster (Master Cylinder/abs/skid ecu combo) does go bad rather commonly. Has been known to be intermittent. It also has specific codes only a hybrid enabled scanner will read. Expensive to fix as it is only available from Toyota.
The mechanic read 'the Code'= [ he did not tell me the 'code number' ] All he said was- that the 'code' had something to do with 'Drivers side Rear Brake' He thoroughly checked the 'Drivers side rear brake' and found nothing wrong. He said, that in the near future, I should flush and replace the brake fluid.
in the near future, don't go back to that mechanic.. and you always ask for the code to research it yourself (and avoid shops scamming you)
That "something to do with" part is what needs to be replaced by the pages (usually several) of info you find in the repair manual when you look up the actual code. That's why we harp on getting the code, not the "that has something to do with" story.
I had the same problem with mine. It was the wheel speed sensor. Not an inexpensive repair at the Toyota dealer.
repair at the dealer is not inexpensive, that kind of fixes can be done in a shop (or DIY) relatively cheap.. just look for a good mechanic that shows you the actual codes.. or best buy a code reader, it will pay off in just 1 visit to the dealership. Just don't buy those cheapo obd2 readers..get the Autel.
Could be something electrical with the wheel speed sensor. Could be something hydraulic with the brake lines or wheel cylinder. Could be something internal to the brake system actuator assembly. The thing about guessing games is that they can keep going on & on. Without more specific clues (the actual codes), we can't give any meaningful advice. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.