Ever wondered about car camping in a Prius Prime? Check out this video. The Prime has one huge advantage over a standard Prius when it comes to car camping; battery life for overnight heating a cooling. Let me know if you have any questions on my setup or my first overnight experience!
I have been wondering about the capability of Prime’s overnight camping mode with the traction battery and charger not hooked up. It was about 95 here in TX yesterday and I was working inside the car under a tree shade for 30 minutes with auto temperature set at 76. During that time period, it consumed about 3 miles. With Prime’s 25-mile range with a fully charged battery, I guess it can only last about 4 hours more or less. After the battery depleted, I am not sure how often the ICE would kick in. Obviously this will be dependent on the ambient temperature outside and temperature setting inside the cabin. Good video though!
Great stuff! I have a question. Can you set up climate control to every 30 mins? I think it would be much better for battery than sleeping in ON mode with ongoing climate all the time. SM-G950F ?
Thanks for making this video and sharing. I have a prime and am looking to set it up for camping. This helped a lot. I like the little table you built for the seat (to level the deck for the mattress). Happy trails.
This is awesome! I was contemplating camping this weekend in my Prime, but the lows are going to hit 43 degrees so I was about to cancel when I saw this video and learned that, thanks to the battery, I won't freeze to death lol