Was reading along here, all the while thinking a few recent discussions should be sent to the House of Politics.... Then, I saw ETC(SS) had the same thoughts. Are we the only two with these ideas? I come here mostly to relax and forget about heavy issues. In other words "whirled peas," not world peace, but am just finding reasons to get ticked off today. Believe me, I have plenty of stuff to keep me down in daily life if I choose to let it snare me. Obviously not my sandbox, but if this continues I am going to go pout elsewhere. kris -- and, yes, I realize I could just ignore it all, but...
Well.... Moderators are aptly named. They put the basement in the Pancake Haus for a pretty good reason! TL ; DR Yes! They make BROOMS for a pretty good reason as well.
Spill-over is bound to happen around the election. The amount of moderation available doesn't change though. I know I'll get through it, and I hope you do too.
unfortunately, prius chat has devolved into a very low maintenance chat room. over at bolt.org, where the vehicle sales quantity is minuscule compared to prius sales, and is currently obsolete, there are many moderators, and the site works perfectly almost all the time. even our good friend @jerrymildred is a mod over there. they do a great job of keeping things in check and closing duplicate threads. whatever problems we have here, aren't because of the members.
Guilty of contributing there. Started to correct the ignorance over how the basic rules for elections. Likely will be hitting the ignore button soon.
I am entirely sympathetic to the idea that rubble interferes with walking. A possible contrary argument is that strident posting informs as to poster's true feelings. A dismissal of this argument is 'but I don't really want to know'. On balance I favor the broom then. But not purely.
You're proceeding on a false premise. Humans are actually shockingly easy to figure out. (one at a time!) They don't 'tick.' 'Ticking' is digital. (more or less) Humans are deeply analogue and fairly non-random. The hard part is that you can't conveniently 'make them digital.' which means.....one actually has to WORK AT IT to figure them out. This is why 'data experts' are less than optimal at their job.......going all the way back to the 19th century. My 97 year old grandmother used to say that weather guessers are the only people who can be wrong almost half the time and still have a job. See also: Baseball. How many career .500 batters are there?