... wonderful epitaph on the 2024 election: Let's Hear It For The Boys Who Saved Us From Kamala Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
POLITICS ASIDE The title of this post is offensive. Do not imagine you would have used "boy" boss. Although the link uses boy? This should be removed. Of course I did not even bother to click on the link. kris
smart move, they are usually full of viruses. unfortunately, our mod doesn't seem to be phased by op's many whacky posts.
As far as I can tell, 'girlboss' became a word around ten years ago, and kind of has a whole Weltanschauung attached to it ... or maybe two, one for people who use it as a compliment and one for those who use it as a knock. I probably wouldn't really feel quite at home in either camp. Back when I was in college, I noticed in my first week that nobody was calling me a 'boy' anymore, and I checked 'noted!' in my head and stopped calling any woman past high school a 'girl'. It still feels weird to me to say 'girl' for any grown woman, and it has been very strange for me in my later life to see so many grown women using 'girl' so much. Not that it's any way up to me what grown women wanna call themselves, I just wasn't expecting it, is all.
mrs b uses girl all the time, even referring to our grown daughters. i'm sure it is out of habit. at our age, that can be hard to overcome. it just doesn't register before the word comes out, and oft times, even after. ladies and gentlemen, men and women, girls and boys, girl boss just sounds like a pejorative
"Boy boss" isn't a neologism. Girlboss is a term. Let's practice tolerance. Boy can be a pejorative in a way girl isn't. Boy can imply insufficiency, as in separating the men from the boys whereas the observation of youth in women is often appreciated particularly as they age. Neither term is inherently pejorative. A night out with the boys isn't necessarily undesirable for a fellow.
Women my wife's age often refer to themselves as "the girls." Daughter and friends in their 30s, do not. When I do it, daughter delivers a curt correction
Urban Dictionary: boyboss I don’t have a opinion either way but the continued R defeatism (op) followed immediately by jubilation in the same paragraph is perplexing
Think there are a couple of obvious points here. USA IS BIG. And despite rapid homogenization in the past 50 years, there are still regional and cultural differences. I found it a bit off-putting on my first trip to the deep South and I was often addressed as sweetie and honey...and I will skip complaints about the constant cloud of tobacco smoke. And then you have terms I CAN USE WITH PEERS, but could be insulting if used by others (old geezer?). Esp. true regarding some color/creed terms.
my brother has taken to calling women darlin'. i have no idea when it started or where he picked it up. we are from the south though, south of new hampshire
I'm a girl-dad, so yeah. I get the offence. My first years in the military was when the USN started navigating the rocks and shoals of co-ed crews aboard ships, and I can bat from either side of the bag on this issue. In the post-VeetNam years the universal two questions asked of every new female sailor reporting aboard used to be "are you pregnant?" and "Can you type?" I also saw at least one young lady report for duty in a uniform with only her name tag and a ribbon representing a Navy Achievement Medal. My last years in the navy included overseas deployments in semi-expeditionary conditions (sleeping in tents, baby-wipe baths, hot meals from MRE heaters.) When I reported to MY last unit a female senior enlisted advisor asked ME the same questions she asked all of the noobs: Can you run? and Can you shoot? The thing that made all this work out, albeit imperfectly, were the WOMEN themselves. They took the crap. Earned their advancements. HELD THEMSELVES to high standards and met those standards. Exceeded them mostly, in my experience. The very best sailor, leader and human that I knew in my 32 years of wearing the uniform was in my last unit, and I watched her advance from E4 to E9 (a REAL E-9, not a poser!) Finally.... Ron DeSantis. He's a good governor by the only metric that really counts. He was elected, and then he was RE-elected. He didn't 'fleet-up' to the POTUS gig because he isn't very good at retail politics. It was (perhaps unfairly) said that the more you get to know him, the less you like him. In other words....he didn't make it through the PRIMARY. The name says it all, don't you think? Seems to me that the same thing happed for the other team THIS year. Somehow I do not think it's a 'girl' thing. My Mileage. Yours might vary.