Ever since this guy replaced my windshield my wipers keep stopping in place when I turn them off, as opposed to going back into their resting position. Anyone know why this would be?
No I cannot imagine so when you turn your wipers on for just a second and turn them off that should be your resting position off maybe loosen the arm nuts pick up the arms put the wipers where they're supposed to be put the nut back on and tighten them down smartly when you put the wiper arms down you can feel the splines mesh You have to be real careful with this because you can mess them up if they're not already and then once you have them both positioned and tightened properly give a little squirt or put some water on the windshield and hit them again and see if they go up and return to where they belong If they do then that part is set maybe your wiper motor is actually going bad or the switch
There is a switch inside the wiper motor/gearbox that is open in the parked position and closed everywhere else. It is wired to keep power supplied to the motor low-speed terminal even when the wiper switch is off, so the wipers will continue to the parked position. So check the wiring diagram; it sounds to me as if the windshield guy might have broken off one wire at the wiper motor connector or something like that, breaking that circuit.
Maybe pull the plastic trim real quick and see if a wire is broken at the connector If you call him and blame him and tell him that he did something and then he pulls it apart and there's nothing broken nothing done then you're on that $80 an hour nonsense so there's always that if we're moving three nuts and lifting the wiper arms off and pulling up the plastic tray is too much to bear then of course blame the mechanic and then when they pull it apart and take pictures and everything's together and it turns out to be the whatever runs the wiper system the computer whatever it is relay something then you're stuck with that bill which may or not be comfortable of course it also depends on how much you run your wipers here where I am not that much
Call the company that replaced the windshield and tell them the issue and tell them to come and fix it. If they can't, they need pay someone to fix it for you. If you paid by credit card you can call the credit card company and stop payment until they fix it.
^^^what he said.^^^ speak to them politely. hopefully, they will be happy to come back and correct their mistake.
Yes you've paid money and all that Just called the people so on and so on and it'll get took care of at some point shouldn't be a big deal I can't imagine somebody breaking a wire off a wiper plug just disconnecting the plug to service the vehicle but anything is possible.