Hi folks, Yesterday I experienced the following unusual event: Daytime, full sunlight, temp. about 25C. Started the car normally and proceeded down a minor road. Noticed that the MFD was blank. Pulled over to the side of the road and stopped. Turned off then restarted - MFD still blank, plus the speedo section now blank also. Time to panic? Noted that the centre display bits were OK (recycle symbol, etc) Tried restart several times - still no displays. The ICE seemed to give a slight kick each time, so eventually I released the brake and tried Drive - it moved away OK. So, I thought about this and decided the best would be to carefully drive to the local dealer for help. I drove away into traffic (it's a bit weird with no speedo, relying on adjacent traffic as a reference) towards the dealers. As I travelled, with a slight change of ambient light I noticed that I could just read the speedo display (peering closely) Thought about this and decided to hit the Display Brightness button - magic, all displays restored to full brightness! Diverted back on to my original journey. Obviously the brightness setting had somehow jumped to "minimum". It hadn't been set manually - I'm the only user and I don't normally touch that button. Maybe the computer had lost it's stored setting somehow, or it was corrupted and then corrected when the switch was pressed. I checked the brightness setting "rotation" and it still works normally. The other thing is, why did the Speedo display come up on "full bright" initially? Or perhaps it's designed to show the important display initially just in case you have minimised it previously? It hasn't occurred before and I will be watching for any repeat of it in future. kenmac
Hi kenmac I'd have a Prius tech check the connections of the dimmer switch... souns as if it may be loose. Also possible you have a bad dimmer switch.
Well, it seems that the joke's definitely on me folks! Today I pulled into an underground car park, and discovered that the headlights were on. It seems that I've been driving with them on, and so the associated display brightness level (low) had been selected. Of course, if I had actually read the symbols displayed, I would have realised that the lights had not been switched off. So, there is no problem - just my awareness of the situation! Thread closed. kenmac