<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Jan 9 2007, 04:24 PM) [snapback]373270[/snapback]</div> Another piece of consumer electronics that will isolate each of us during usage, then end up in the landfill for future generations to contemplate. Ugh.
It's a music player, and a video player, and a web browser, and a...oh yeah, a phone. Any word on whether it takes calls from just anyone, or only other iPhones? How is Apple going to make this obsolete next year? Add a replicator?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Jan 9 2007, 04:35 PM) [snapback]373281[/snapback]</div> All Macs already come with a replicator
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 9 2007, 05:34 PM) [snapback]373279[/snapback]</div> Yeah. But it will be so much fun...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hyo silver @ Jan 9 2007, 05:35 PM) [snapback]373281[/snapback]</div> Probably by adding UMTS/HSDPA support. It's 499 and there's only EDGE... kind of mind boggling.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JackDodge @ Jan 9 2007, 05:40 PM) [snapback]373283[/snapback]</div> Yeah, but everything comes out on those shiny calorie-reduced wafers. They taste terrible, and they're way too crunchy.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 9 2007, 04:34 PM) [snapback]373279[/snapback]</div> Hmms.. There are worse products I can think of like TVs, that computer you're on... and oh yes, the Prius, which adds more waste from production and usage than thousands of those iphones. You should consider walking if you're an advocate for future generations.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bugmenot @ Jan 9 2007, 06:24 PM) [snapback]373332[/snapback]</div> Let's see...I don't own a TV, don't pay for cable, don't carry a mobile phone, don't have DSL or any online access either (at home), read the paper for news, read books and attend live theater for entertainment, participate in discussion groups, host a success group weekly at my home...and my dream is to live as sustainably as possible. I walk to the BART station at least six months out of the year (and don't use my car for a week or longer at a time), ride public transportation whenever possible, and take my xooter to the store instead of driving. I wash and reuse plastic bags, compost, try to shop at places which let me use my own containers...shall I go on? Your argument: the phone isn't as bad as a TV....? I'm saying that those phones make it so that everybody using one is here physically, but somewhere else mentally. That's a drag 'cause it's yet another way to segment and isolate us. Do you not agree with this?
I agree with all the ipods out there isolating people from their environments. But where do you draw the line? You are definitely not typical, and that's not a bad thing at all. Where's this success group of yours? I'd like to attend.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(bugmenot @ Jan 9 2007, 10:41 PM) [snapback]373459[/snapback]</div> He - back to the topic - the iPhone. I just finished watching the presentation. It is really worth the time to watch Jobs present the iphone . Maybe Toyota could have Apple design the next generation of OS for the car?
LOL. I heard on the radio today that Bill Gates wants to put Windows on the dash of every car by, I think, 2010. I could only laugh and remember that joke about If Microsoft built cars.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Jan 9 2007, 11:19 PM) [snapback]373472[/snapback]</div> Yea - crashing all the time would be bad. I know Jobs gets all the glory, but Apple must have some seriously good OS designers. I use Mac computers, have ipods and I expect will get this phone some day. But even an unbiased person, when you look at the demo he does, the things they come up with, finding what is intuitive and how to implement in the OS/hardware - has to admit they are freaking awesome! Jobs announced a target of 1% of mobile phone market, which is 10M phones for 2008 (they start selling in June 2006). I'd guess he sells 10M in 6 months of 2007, and will be limited only by the production capacity. BTW I played a day trade on Apple today, stock went up $7 per share on this news.
i want one! i just watched this. I'm soo dissapointed int he phones. I've been wanting this for a while. By apple too! awesome.. truly awesome. I have my ipod, and my phone.. but.. i can't do half the things that his phone can. Internet sucks on a modern phone. I'm waiting
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 9 2007, 07:01 PM) [snapback]373343[/snapback]</div> Why do you deprive yourself? You did not make that clear?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 9 2007, 04:01 PM) [snapback]373343[/snapback]</div> Many of us long for the good old days, myself included, that is, the analog age before computers and technology quickened the pace of everyday life so fast that we actually have increasingly less time to smell the roses and have direct social interaction as often as we used to. However, I believe that as people are social beings they will find a way to interact socially despite today's fast and hectic pace and adapt. Cell phones and computer blogs have enabled many to network and interact socially more often, a supplement, not a substitution for getting together, whereas, without, it would be very difficult and even more isolating. Back on topic, I think the IPhone is an awesome device for the digital age, a converged, well thought out media player that can make a phone call, and there is nothing that says I can't listen to old time radio, and download my old favorite movies and shows that I can no longer get.
IMO, too many people look at this as black and white - either you have a device like the iPod that isolates you from the world around you, or you don't. I like to think of it as more of a sliding scale. Personally, i know many people who abhor items like the iPod simply because it creates that barrier between people - you see the white ear buds and know that it's useless trying to start up a conversation. I also know many people who love the iPod for that same reason - they can walk around with the earbuds and ignore the idiots and only talk with those they want to. then there are people (like me), who find a sort of balance. There's a time to use a device like an iPod - when working out, running, kayaking solo, or to drown out the noise at work so you can focus. Then there's a time when you shouldn't use the iPod - pretty much any social or semi-social situation. walking through the work place, to and from class, etc are the semi-social areas. In class, in meetings, heck, even on the school bus are the social areas where they shouldn't be used. The same goes for the iPhone. it's a great device, way ahead of its time. And if used properly, it'll be fine. What is important is for individuals to make that distinction between private time and social time, and not lock themselves off from the world with their small, white earbuds. Oh, and i'll be buying an iPhone next december when my current wireless contract expires.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 9 2007, 06:01 PM) [snapback]373343[/snapback]</div> You gotta cut that newspaper out of your schedule. You're ruining trees, causing loggers to burn diesel, the list goes on.. Or, get the iphone... You buy one of those, you can get all your news on it, no more newspapers..
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Pinto Girl @ Jan 9 2007, 07:01 PM) [snapback]373343[/snapback]</div> No please don't. But you do own a Prius and use a computer quite frequently. ??? You and the others who others who profess to ride the "high horse" of saving the earth nauseate me. The rest of us who may have a second car, a boat, kids, and horrors even own a house, are merely greedy people who can only think themselves and their kids. Pity me for my gluttonous ways. With regards to the iPhone, I believe this will be as successful as Apple's iPod. The innovative use of the screen for the keypad/input instead of using a separate keypad is the key. You can actually use the internet with a device that is truly portable. Price is high but Apple will get it. Rick #4 2006
We must remember that at first, radio, then TV were isolating. We no longer had to go out together to see a movie at the cinema, just stay at home for entertainment. Then came "mobile" radio, the transistor radio. Just as with radio and TV, mobile entertainment and internet should be seen as a tool, not a threat, a supplement, not a substitution. Despite the evolution of mobile entertainment, the social nature of people will always lead to physically getting together. We still go to movies, concerts, dances, bookstores, or even hang out at hotspots to work on our technology with a cup of coffee in a social environment. The Iphone is a beautifully designed unit which functions as a media player that is also able to make a phone call. I would still have to find out more about any smartphone features for productivity such as how it manages appointments, recording, to do lists, any MS Quick office for this unit, etc., but certainly a very interesting device.