Those of you who already own a Gen 5 Prius… Does the windshield state it is UV protected? I have someone telling me the windshields do not have UV protection. His side windows are labeled as UV protected but not the windshield which doesn’t make sense. Thanks!
Sense or $$$$ would be my first guess. Know anything about eye glasses with that special UV protective coating? In my experience that coating make lens last about 1/3 as long as lens without the coating and when they become hard to see out of they look like lens that have been through a sandblaster. Just guessin. Everyone that needs glasses no matter what age, needs excellent eye care insurance or else $$$$ !
Yes, I know about the protective coating on glasses. Mine aren’t scratched but it’s rippling on the edges which was very disappointing. When I did some google searching I read that the UV protection on windshields is not on the surface of the glass.
OK where is the windshields UV protection? And where did you read about it? I'd like to learn more about it too.
I wear "photo gray" glasses that darken when exposed to UV energy. They do not darken when I drive my Prius as UV doesn't get through the windshield. JeffD
Windshield blocks 99% of UV, and front side windows block 90% or 99% depending on trim level. LE/SE/XLE/XSE block 90%(because they're single layer tempered glass with a UV coating) and LTD/XSE+ block 99%(because they're laminated glass like the windshield with a UV-blocking plastic layer).
Glass itself is a good UV blocker. IIRC, it blocks most of the A and some of the B before the addition of additional UV filters.
Windshield gets 99% protection from the treated plastic layer in the middle of the laminated sandwich. The front side windows get 90% protection from a coating on the inner surface, plus some UV absorbing materials in the glass itself. Here's a Toyota press release from 15 years ago when they introduced the new side windows: New Toyota Glass Technology Cuts UV By 99% - Toyota Media Site
Wonder why they don’t label the windshield as UV protected. Maybe because it’s not UV coated like the side windows?
Both. The ability to go to 99% comes from the lamination layer. The 90% on the sides is just an applied coating to the glass. In order to get to 99% on the sides, they'd have to go with laminated glass instead of tempered(which they do on the LTD and XSE+). They can't go laminated all the way around because that can be a safety hazard if the car goes underwater or if emergency responders need to get the occupants out quickly.
Thanks for the link @Hammersmith . For me, sometimes, the older the release the better I like it @daisy555 , sorry to be a pest by not being a Gen 5 owner and posting anyways. It now makes more sense to me that someone might have mentioned that the front side glass is marked as UV glass and the windscreen is not. I've been following the NA EUVL tech and it's more than a little hard to follow, especially the UV part of it. Though that has nothing to do with what you asked about either.
if you googles sun screen in the car, they recommend it. but the studies seem to be older, and idk what th uv glass protection was at the time. they don't get into it in any articles i found.
Perhaps because its kinda standard*? Side windows slightly less Having people (still) getting skin cancer from driving a lot is really not good for marketing though * Apparently there are much stricter UV regulations for cars in the EU (and Japan even more) but not in the states.
Absolutely not a GEN 5 owner yet and posting as much as I want to. If you don’t understand what I’m saying, either ask for clarification or let others answer the question. I don’t know the auto regulations but a coating might require labeling and a built in layer might not.
Hey there, I tinted all my windows the first day I got it, simple fix and makes the car look better. If you don’t like the dark tints, there are clear tints too! Cheers!