... go ahead, be my guest, I double dog dare white-boy Gavin and Pete Buttigeig, outlaw gasoline engine motorcycles. See what happens: After leading nation in EV mandates, California is now proposing an electric motorcycle mandate | Just The News I wonder what's going to be the punishment, guys who own a gasoline powered truck, a gas range, gas oven, Webber charcoal grill, gasoline lawnmower, and a Harley-Davidson? I don't think Harley Davidson's going to sell a whole lot of toaster oven bikes. I don't think we'll see the Hell's Angeles rolling, on Greta Thunberg specials, anytime soon - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
What are they going to DO? Make them leave? I'm betting most cycle owners see this 'not-a-story' for what it is.
More bogus garbage from a garbage site posted by the OP. CARB is mandating 10% of NEW motorcycles be electric by 2028. CARB is also mandating 50% of NEW motorcycle sales be electric by 2035. There is no proposed ban on ICE motorcycles. I don't agree with the CARB regulations but the OP should use dependable sites for his information and quit lying to everyone.
Garbage garbage everywhere but nary a fact to check! (with sincerest apologies to Coleridge....) IT WOULD SEEM however - that many people have NOW solved one of today's everlasting questions..... WHAT costume for tonight?!?!