I've been having this very annoying rattle underneath the car around the oil filter area whenever ICE is on and not always all the time. I thought it might have been a lose heat shield but it wasn't that at all. Has anyone else had this issue and what caused it? Sound clip of rattle
No answers. Did you find your rattle? If you are hearing the rattle while seated in the car are you sure of the source of the sound at the oil filter? I'd recommend lifting the car and listen for the rattle while it is idling on the lift rack. Yes, there are stethoscopes available for locating automobile noises. Rattle location finding can be a hunting adventure. Good luck.
Not yet. I was dealing with a pretty nice virus over the past three weeks but I'm good now. My plan is to put the car on jack ramps tomorrow, run the AC to force the engine on in Park so I can listen for the sound. When I'm in the car I can definitely hear the sound loud and clear but cannot pinpoint the sound. I once parked when I heard the sound and looked under the car. It seemed like the sound was centered at the oil filter area but I could be completely wrong. I'll find out tomorrow. Thanks for responding!
So the rattle is coming from what I think is the CAT just south of the O2 Sensor. There is metal sheet just above the CAT but below the heat shield. That's where the rattle is coming from. I can stop the rattle if I push up on that metal sheet. IMG_0480 by CJ Thunder posted Aug 5, 2018 at 8:06 PM
Urgh, I thought my sound was from the waterpump (dumb me) but still there after I DIY'd WP and thermostat. Hard to replicate my rattle as it really needs a load and it is barely audible on jack stands or ramps.