... so, you wanted to be stylish, under-dogging your way into Greta Thunberg love, parading yourselves around, virtue signaling your liberalism, in politically correct toaster oven EVs? Well, let's see what you're going to get? Jean Baptiste Say revisited, supply does not create its own demand. Digging a hole in your backyard does not imply, effective demand, for holes in back yards. Push-me pull-me policy, net effect, EV mandates, handing China, on a silver platter, absolute economic advantage, prompted a retrograde trade war, deleterious to the very mandates elite liberal policymakers impose, upon us: Chinese EV Battery Maker SVOLT Shuttering Operations In Europe Due To Trade War, Poor Demand | ZeroHedge "Build it, and they'll come," is a pipe dream. Shoving it down our throats, compounds the problem. Morale of the story, basic economic law, it's price theory sovereign, demand calling forth the next viable substitutes. Macroeconomics for idiots, 101: NEVER, NEVER NEVER do you want the policy community, picking winners. Efficient market hypothesis for idiots, 101: ... were EVs efficient? We would have already been doing them, 100 years ago - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile -
100 years is a long time imagining how things might have been if. The flip side of the OP argument and what I heard a lot while growing up is "What we've got works, if you don't like it take a long walk of a short pier" If that offends, now ya know how I felt / feel... Piles of waste is no joke, but for most if's out of sight, out of mind and gets removed from my sight every week and I pay 4 installments a year for the service. thankyou. The new economy is very much like the new math they started teaching elementary students in the 60s. Gotta love changes of all kinds, especially $ inflation. And what's this thing they called sustainability? Don't make me guess what it's supposed to relate to. ^
That’s demand side economics, not trickle down. Give the masses breaks, not the rich, then the masses buy more, then the factories hire more to meet demand. Finally the rich get more in the right way. Thanks.
cheap miles: lowest cost per mile - $0.12 kWh / 4 (miles/kWh) = $0.03 per mile my trade-in Prius Prime: $2.65/gal / 54 MPG ~= $0.05 per mile fewest moving parts to wear - one electric motor vs starter motor and +100x ICE wear and breakable parts no catalytic converter, muffler, and oxygen sensors fixed gears vs multi-speed transmission regenerative braking vs friction brakes quiet vs ICE vibration, stink, noise I just want my Greenback Yankee dollars to stay in my wallet instead of gas pumps, auto parts stores, and service centers. I can't afford to drive an ICE car. However, I do drive a 2017 BMW i3-REx which runs the 640 cc, range extender engine, for 10 minutes every 60 days ... about 1 gallon per year. I can't afford to drive an ICE or ICE powered hybrid. Bob Wilson
Sample Size: 1. Admittedly, you 'show your math' when it comes to dollahs per mile, but I also factor in things like insurance costs, MSRP, and repairs. The 3 has a 'hit and miss' quality reputation with very limited repair options. Glad yours seems to have not needed any time in the shop. @ Picture: Blue Oval...because humans are poor planners when it comes to things like strip mining, child labour, and end-to-end carbon throughput.
Insurance liability only, paid off (tax credit = capital gains tax) MSRP: $23,000 ~= $41,000 - $18,000 (Prius Prime trade-in) repairs ~$600 underbody panels from road debris $35 sonic sensor from road debris rock $60 paint touchup kit $1,200 cracked windshield glass from road debris rock $300 front control arm replacements (the only wear part) tires running +50,000 miles original brake pads after 140,000 miles no oil or coolant changes Bob Wilson
A Prius gen 2 owner driving the iconic greenie virtue signaling save the planet car, hated like no other, saying EV drivers are virtue signaling in their toasters. EV’s predate ice vehicles.
The first vehicles were steam. EVangelists are having a moment, AND they're not nearly as irritating as tha other early adopters were back in the day... Some say, when the "SE" version comes out I might get one myself.
There is oil and and a spin-on filter but no schedule to replace either. The same oil is used for stator cooling and shares more in common with transmission fluid (aka. oil. But it sees less heat and no combustion gas leaking from the cylinders. Bob Wilson
the chevy bolt has 3 coolant loops. cabin/inverter and charger/battery. change every 5 years or 150k brake fluid every 5 years. a/c dessicant every 7 years. no filters aside from cabin air
Yet again we are presented with a pseudoscience conspiracy site that is very unreliable and far-right biased. The OP should send his hat back to Reynolds Aluminum and try reading legitimate sources for reliable information. ZeroHedge - Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check
... this is why the French physiocrats, and classical economists admonished us, laissez passeur, laissez faire: "This Is Starvation": VW Union Head Warns 3 Plants Closing, Thousands In Layoffs, Amid Auto Crisis | ZeroHedge Now, you see what happens, when Greta Thunberg/AOC inspired policymakers are let loose, to run amok, arbitrarily picking winners - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile --
meh. The only US industry that will be negatively impacted by VeeDubbaya closing three of their plants is going to be automobile repair shops.