Man, I hope I didn't just throw away $$, I just picked up a 2012 Prius V iii in outstanding condition, or so I thought. Interior/exterior in great shape, had a pile of maintenance records, new hybrid battery etc etc. Took it for a test ride and all was well. Paid for it and on the way home at red light, I accelerate and the car shakes for a few seconds until it picks up speed. It only happens during the initial acceleration. Going down the freeway at 80 super solid and smooth. Thanks for any insight!
Check the spark plugs if they are genuine. I just replaced another fake denso spark plugs on gen 2 again with engraving around it, many +++++ and the word japan. The engine was rough, especially when the engine was still cold.
Well, looks like I tossed $5500 away, I think this has the dreaded Head gasket blown. Not quite sure what to do, I used to wrench decades ago lol, and now I don't have my tools, just enough for around the house kind of stuff. The car shakes when starting in the cooler mornings for about 30secs, a little bit of white smoke from tail pipe, auto zone scanned and #3 cylinder misfire. Also, from stops, initial acceleration the motor shakes too, I think I read that is likely the egr clogged? At any rate, looking for thoughts on what may be my best option. I live in Vegas. Thanks! Greg
ok, so I'm getting prices for head gasket job around $2000 +/- and also seeing prices for preowned engines with 45-60k installed for around $4000+/-. These prices are not at a Toyota dealership however at local 20 year shop in Vegas that deals with Prius issues. Thoughts? Or get a can of head gasket sealer and run it until it dies and then get the engine? Not trying to be funny, just trying to see what the best approach for us would be. Thanks for any insights!
FYI: you may also have cooling systems issues too, if the previous owner dumped head gasket sealer into it. When Vegas gets hot over the summers, it may not cool properly, because the narrow heat exchange passages are clogged with sealer. Just playing devils advocates; how do you know those used engines only has 45K-60K miles on them. This forum is full of gen3's with blown head gaskets. Yours blew @ 125K, so $4K for 50K miles???? Someone back east did an engine swap, her luck ran out in 6 months - same issue with the replacement motor. Just saying, weigh your options carefully....
If you have white smoke then this hg problem is advanced and an engine is your only real choice. A head gasket at $2k could fail in a day, week or month. Sealer can and does clog heater cores, thermostats and micro channel radiators. It is probably an oil burner as well. Until mid 2014 poor low tension rings and pistons were used. For $4k I would get it to Hybridpit in the LA area and swap for a quality rebuilt engine. Most likely you could make it there but you might buy a month of AAA long distance towing as a backup. You would get an engine with new pistons, rings, rebuilt head and new gaskets. But first I would find out what “new hybrid battery” means in your case. New Toyota oem cells? If yes with proof then I would be more inclined to get the rebuilt engine. Otherwise “new” often means refurb used which easily becomes a recurring issue. I would also try to verify if the brake booster/skid ecu/master cylinder/abs has been replaced.