... hydrogen-oxygen bond, very stubborn, mighty expensive one to break: As projects fail and studies conclude green hydrogen is unaffordable, critics are being vindicated | Just The News If Las Vegas odds-makers made a book on Washington DC policy? The casinos would find themselves bankrupt, paying out to everyone laughing it up all the way to the bank, betting against every whacked out initiative Washington DC liberals cooked up - Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
I can’t comment because I’m afraid of your dark web conspiracy links. But I’ve always been skeptical about some hydrogen applications
Eh, you ain't missing anything. Nothing new in that article that hasn't already been said here. Also nothing about green deals or AOC. Probably because the US doesn't have any green deal; the non-binding resolution never passed. Some bits about the hydrogen hub incentives from the infrastructure law. Most of the money set aside for that hasn't been spent. Mainly because private entities willing to put in the matching funds came forward. There is a new potential technology/industry. The government offers some cash to help get it started. Few show an interest in taking the cash, thus the cash isn't spent. Not exactly a failure for the government to not spend money. There was one US example of a hydrogen project stalling/failing. Because it is located outside the designated hubs, so didn't get that funding. There are other examples from Europe, but those projects could be in trouble because of the current economic conditions. The piece has the 'car companies slowed investment a bit, so EVs are a failure' vibe to it. The article did cite this paper some might find interesting. https://www.cell.com/joule/abstract/S2542-4351(24)00421-5 tl;dr The total costs for green hydrogen are currently too high for new uses of hydrogen. It can work for segments that already use hydrogen.
It never was a contest, any of this. It isn’t a war about hydrogen, dishwashers, shower heads, or stoves. Someone is playing games with the concept of united in USA.
I always recommend hydrogen fuel cars ... to my enemy. Like a boat or a back yard pool, a hole in the water or the yard to throw money into. Bob Wilson
meh. AOC - an RNC fundraiser. Like @bwilson4web I think she's a fantastic Congress critter......for one's enemies. See also: Lauren Opal Boebert - an ATM for 'tha other team.' @ Hydrogen: Stopped being much of a thing when "Das Hindenburg" didn't stick the landing at Lakehurst, NJ....and REALLY....who the heck goes to LAKEHURST? History revisionists would insist that the 35 people who died on LZ-129 'deserved it' because they flew aboard a vessel flying a Nazi flag. Limited use cases.....OK....maybe. I admit some personal bias, since I almost lost my life once upon a cold war when an O2 generator 'took a walk on the wild side.' @ Hydrogen for autos: Even fewer refueling options than BEVs. MORE 'range anxiety.' Same extended refueling times. Cost: Stratospheric. Benefit: ?? unless you REALLY suck at math. Caveat: In a 'clean sheet' world - I can see where huffing H would be attractive. HOWEVER (Comma!!!) The real world is NOT clean.....and it's not covered with or by a clean sheet of paper.
Just more garbage from the OP based on a biased and questionable source. Just The News – Bias and Credibility - Media Bias/Fact Check Overall, we rate Just the News Questionable and Right Biased based on story selection that mostly favors a conservative perspective. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks and the promotion of conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda.