Having been dealing with death rattle and recent p0300, 01 and 02 codes, finally mustered courage to do a diy and changed all spark plugs and ignition coils but the problem persisted, mustered even more courage and replaced 1 and 2 cylinder fuel injectors and death rattle is gone and codes gone and sounds like new engine, but fuel keeps leaking from possibly both the 1 and 2 injectors, reseated several times and used stock O rings but it persisted and I gave up, for anyone who has done this how did come about fixing this, car has a out 260k miles and no other issues, please help, thank you.
You probably damaged the o-rings when you originally seated the injectors. Get a new set of o-rings and do the reseat job again. Smear some fuel on the o-ring just before seating to act as a lubricant, which will aid the o-ring seating without pinching and damaging it.
Fuel is leaking from the top part of the injectors and I tried replacing those top O rings from the discarded stock ones but could not take them out without damaging them. IDK what else to do apart from buying another pair of stock injectors.
Buy new injector O-rings - parts store or dealer. I lube them with petroleum jelly (vasaline) and gently force them over the end of the injector. If you use (sharp) metal tools like a screwdriver or pick, that can cut the O-ring & they'll leak. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Not being careful enough with those O rings can be a common source of trouble. Pictures from the manual, from this older post: I also check for leaks after reassembling the fuel rail to the engine, but before trying to start, just by using a hand-operated pushbutton to jump between the fuel-pump relay contacts. I try to avoid having fuel possibly spray unexpectedly around an engine that's trying to start.
Thank you everyone, I replaced the top O rings from the discarded stock injectors, applied a dab of engine oil and they slid in nice and not leaking anymore, drove around 30 miles and all is good but now when I am pushing the gas hard the torque seems to wavy and not smooth, any ideas.