Hi all car is running very good. Put a headgasket on it. Concerns are. Invertor tank fluid not moving. I read where fluid should be pumping. No check engine lights on. Think the invertor pump is bad. What are the symptoms? Thanks
No flow in the inverter pump reservoir. Do I have a bad pump. Car runs good . Never any flow when removing the cap.
In earlier generations, the inverter cooling pump had a single speed and was always running whenever the car was IG-ON or READY. In a gen 3, the pump is variable speed, and only runs when needed for the coolant temperature, and only at a sufficient speed. So in an earlier gen, you could just poke the power button and take a quick look under the hood for turbulence in the reservoir to know if your pump was working. In a gen 3, it's a little harder. You can use a scan tool to look at the pump target RPM and actual RPM to see if it's turning. If the scan tool has active-test features, you can tell the pump to turn. Are you asking the question because you have some reason to be worried about the pump?
Thank you senior member. Just did head gasket water pump. New shocks. Struts. Not to hard to put invertor pump in if need be. My neighbor next door is from foriegn country. Has the proper scanner, a real fancy one I am sure I can figure out how to use it. My battery as you guys always rebuilt is not good to buy. Maybe it's weak. Got it from green tech A multi state company. 1 year . Like 8 months left warrantee. If this car was brought new and a virgin cream puff. I would have got new It's a nice 217k 2011 car. Thanks for your reply. I like my pruis. Only problem if you use it alot like a taxi . At 62 it's hard on the body. With the new struts and shocks. It rides alot better. Head gasket imho was not as hard as 99% make it out to be. As long as the lower motor is good it's all good.
I don't have much knowledge of the gen3, but I did have an inverter pump failure in my Gen2. If they haven't changed, the CEL came on based on increased temperature, not on any self test or pressure reading. If you have access to torque or some other scan tool where you can check inverter coolant temperature, look for temp readings as you drive. It should level off if things are working correctly. Hopefully you get a better informed answer soon.
How hot is it? Did you just turn it on? Or has it been running? I believe the Gen3 pump is like the engine coolant pump. Speeds vary. So it the inverter is not getting hot, the pump won't run fast....