Got mine coming soon.. Good to stash all your valuable items. Johnny law would need a warrant. Promo code azusa gets you 10% OFF @
The website says it is for a 2015 to 2020 Prius, which does not make sense. A 2015 is Gen 3 Prius, and the 2016 to 2020 Prius are Gen 4.
How would they steal the car? FOB hack? They would need to have your FOB in proximity to hack/clone it. Also if they have the stuff to do it, I think they would go for the Cyber truck or nearest Tesla.
That would be the only universal option. At that point they are not taking an old Prius. So we are all at the mercy of a car thief who may know how to put a gun to you and take it the easy way or you may have a thief who can hack/clone your FOB from a close distance or a scout ready to take your car on a flatbed. Lucky for us most thiefs just want to get in and out. So instead of leaving your costly items in the glove box or arm rest console. Why not lock it up if you roll around like that and let the In and Out thief cost you just a window instead of your phone, wallet money or more. Same idea as with a cat shield, they see it and move on to easier work.
There's a MILLION ways your car could leave with an adversary, why even take the chance keep valuables in a tiny safe inside the car? It's not a bank vault.
There are really just three ways to have your car stolen. Car jacking Car hacking Car flating There could be a million reasons why you would leave something you wouldnt want lost inside of you car. My work has secure parking with armed guards at the gates and at every building entry, security cameras that work and everyone has their ID scanned at the gate, so I leave my wallet in my car at work. I also have important mail sometimes inside the car and other items I wouldnt want taken because they can get to it. #1 Car jacking = your getting your sh!t taken, no matter what you drive. #2 Car hacking= your car is an EV like Tesla or other high end or luxury vehicle worth hacking. #3 Car flating= same reason as the answer for the number two statement above. Most people would agree to #1 being in a position they would likely be in. #1 is also the same type of person who would car jack you of needed or they just want to quickly take what they can if they see your car that does not qualify for #2 or #3 or they dont have the qualifications to do #2 or #3 Sometimes that #1 thief breaks into those cars that qualify for #2 and #3 too. So for those items that you wouldnt want lost but want to leave in your car for the time being. Get a console vault.
Seems like a good product to protect your wallet (or contraband LOL) while at the beach or lover's lane.
Please post photos of the install. Curious to see how it's mounted and fixed in place to prevent someone from ripping it out and taking it. It's hard to mount anything securely to plastic trim, so I'm curious if they have some type of framework associated with it. I know some vehicles now come with security boxes OEM.
1) Everyone's Mileage may Vary 2) Not everyone works and parks at a secure location as you (if it's that secure, why the hell would you need the vault then)? 3)Of the 3 limited choices scenarios mentioned, that vault will offer no security when your car is gone and/or your dead body is laying on your driveway after you tried to stop someone.
The manufacturer has an installation PDF available on their website. I took a look at it, and the "vault" is secured by three self tapping screws that created holes in the plastic console during installation. It does not look very secure to me. I would guess that a large flat blade screwdriver could be used to remove the "vault" without much effort.
@Mendel Leisk It never ends, they always have continuity. There is positive and negative energy that flow through my threads. Some think they are super novas or try to be but most are just black holes trying to suck all the light. But like a muon particle, I get through everything.
Research has shown that the most snake oil venom can be found in the desert. This continually checks out on Prius Chat.