I replaced the head gasket on a 2010 Prius I bought. While accelerating and braking heavily to clear the antifreeze out of the exhaust the brake lights came on. My scan tool shows no wheel speed from the right rear wheel. I replaced the hub because the wheel bearings were noisy so I figured this was the problem. no change. I checked the wires up to the right front connections and they are good. I also used jumper wires to connect the left rear hub to the right connection inside the rear fender to see if it picked up the wheel speed and it does not. Does anyone know what device receives the wheel speed signal? Or have any suggestions?
Maybe the speed sensor in the replacement right rear bearing is bad? Try jumpering the other way, from the right rear connector to the left rear wheel?
Hooking up the known good sensor to the right side and not getting wheel speed signal tells me the problem is not in the right rear hub. Where do those wheel speed sensor wires go? I traced the right side wires up to the front just inside the passenger door post.
The wiring diagram on techinfo.toyota.com will have all the information, connector locations, pinouts, etc., you could need. While you're there, you could also look in the repair manual where speed sensor diagnosis is covered; if I remember right, there's a decent collection of tips there to simplify troubleshooting. -Chap
hi i am sorry for bothering but i have the same problem i replaced the wheel bearing, change the cable and switch the cables with left and right but failed, question: did you got the problem solved if YES then how? my email is [email protected] can you reply on this also please i will be thank full to you.