I have a 2013 with 178k. I will be in the hospital for a month so the car will just sit. Will the battery survive? I could disconnect it but my sister who is from out of town will arrive to pick me up from the hospital with my car. I don't want her to have to reconnect the battery. Would it work to have a charger on it. She could disconnect that. Or is there something I could disconnect by removing fuses so the things that draw current won't do that. The car has to work without those, I don't want her to the install fuses, but she could if need be. I am trying to think of everything that draws current. Radio is obvious. Fob detection stuff, but she will need that. There are things I have no idea what they are, when I open the door to go somewhere the car makes lots of noises before I start anything. I assume that still has to have power what ever it is. I have a blinking red light on the dash which has to draw phantom power. There are fuses in the passenger compartment that are hard to remove so I prefer not to use those, unless the car works without them so she won't have to put them back. I look at the fuse layout and I have no idea what a ECU-B2 is and even if I looked it up I wouldn't know if it draws phantom power. I am hoping someone has been through this and knows what to do. I tried to search the archives and didn't find it. Thanks Lee
simplest thing would be to put a maintainer on the jump point under the hood. easy enough for her to unplug it, remove the clips and close the hood. all the best with your medical procedure.
Adding the little tiny 1 to 3 amp charger under the hood is a smart move easy for anybody to disconnect and even if they don't disconnect it if they just unplug the stupid thing so they don't pull it out of the outlet coil the cord up and stick it under the windshield wiper arm if that's all they can manage and drive to pick you up this is only good for the 12 volt mind you so if your HV battery is starting to fail sitting solidly for a month may not be ideal but it should still start and work. But in a generation 3 the 12 volt is known not to hold up very well just sitting around so I would put the tender on it on the points under the hood It could even be permanently wired up under the hood then run a cord to come through the fender liner and even coil up and lay inside the fender liner when it's not used unless you're in the worst of weather conditions with your vehicle.
It will not survive. I left mine for about a week and it drained. Get a battery maintainer, trickle charge, then you are good.
I bought a two or a three amp maintainer It's a Chinese thing sold on Amazon I believe it was $18 with the quick disconnect plug that could be hardwired to the fuse box of the Prius if was desired
Seems to work well and it's got a green and a red light and it's supposed to be fairly smart I actually bought two of them I have lots of powersports equipment and it's supposedly will charge my noco lithium batteries in my power sports equipment.