I have a 2002 Prius and I can't get the car to start after taking the dash out. I had to hook the shift linkage back up and I realized that I didn't need to take the dash out. Ever since that, the car won't start. I bought a new battery charger and the battery is good. Also it seems to be very hard to find a battery for this particular car. My question is, is there a theft deterent system on the car and if so can you or how do you reset it? Any help is greatly appreciated....
Auto parts stores (e.g., AutoZone) will read trouble codes and give you a printout, free. Check the “Energy” screen on the MFD ( multi-function display) to confirm whether the HV battery is being charged. There are several choices for the 12V battery. Look for case size 51R. You will have to convert the OEM battery clamps to SAE standards. I’m using a lawn tractor battery in my ‘02.
Hmm, so it did start? That would suggest your 12v is good, and your HV battery. Now, you just think the HV isn't charging? But you don't mention any warning lights on your dash, which means those little LEDs in the dash burned out or that your battery is charging. I'm guessing the latter. My first step would be to figure out why you think there's anything wrong with the car. Why don't you think it's charging the HV battery? I doubt you'd have to let the car idle for too many minutes to confirm whether that's true. The HV battery would discharge completely and be toast. Have you let it idle? While it idled, did you watch the battery meter? Did it go down - i.e., you actually saw the level drop - and that's why you think it's not charging?