So I am getting my Prius repairs in the next week. It is whirring every 10s or so. My question is, do I need to replace the master assembly or the brake booster and the accumulator unit? It seems to be two different units Toyota is selling. Ty ps. Mechanic is quoting me for the master assembly.
Toyota recommends you replace the two units as a pair how are you going to diagnose what's causing the constant whirring pump. There's a leak internally somewhere and the pump is constantly pumping to pump the accumulator back up to spec then it leaks down into 10 seconds you're talking about and whirrs again You could replace just the one unit but then if you're mistaken on your diagnosis you have to take it all apart again and replace the other piece You can risk that or not if you're very good with a mechanic stethoscope you may be able to isolate it to the one unit in other words figure out where the leaking is taking place down there in the lower unit or the one above with the plugs and all the lines on it If you're real good you might be able to separate it with the stethoscope and figure out which pieces actually bleeding down and then replace it But if it doesn't work then you'll have to replace the other piece either way it seems to be about the same cost on a generation two there's only one piece to replace it's around $1,400 bucks and the generation 3 they split it into two pieces that are about 700 bucks a piece or about 1,400 for the total system the two pieces even Toyota recommends replacing them as a pair so you don't wind up with double the labor and another part to purchase I guess you can take that recommendation with the grain of salt with this model I would not do that.
I would bet against it foxwell doesn't do too well with lots of this stuff but I can't say for sure It will be the software that's provided by the manufacturer that'll get you to sub codes brake bleeding menus angle sensor menus and things like that I don't like to have to buy these things just to send them back and tell the people what they basically already know If they can't tell me that over the telephone or in their messaging app then generally I don't need to be fooling with them they're not manufacturing anything that they know anything about so don't waste my breath any of the major manufacturers that are in the business and know what they're doing they'll be able to tell you over the telephone on an 800 number It's pretty much that simple A lot of these things are just redundant nonsense code reader should be pretty much free I mean it doesn't really do anything now I'll buy directional scanner is a little more involved but even so it's just serving one or two purposes showing me these numbers on a screen that I can look up and deal with but their software will generally give me some little primer on what the numbers are that I'm looking at that's what you're paying for in the scanner and then of course whatever manufacturer thinks their ideas of whatever is going on in this world is happening You're buying into their nonsense generally That's why the industry is completely topsy-turvy and nobody sure what's going on now it's even affected the major brands like snap-on and Mac and all of that