I just replaced the original Goodyear Integrity tires with Firestone Affinity. They have a 70k mile Limited Warranty. Can anyone comment on the performance, MPG, etc of the Affinity tire? Thanks.
The Firestone Affinity LH30, which is sounds like you bought, was rated pretty well for an all season passenger tire when it came out 5 years ago. It's below par for a modern touring tire. The Firestone Affinity Touring is one of the few tires rated as low as the Goodyear Integrity. Unfortunately I can confirm that as they came on a Saturn I had. Many tires these days will offer a 30 day test drive or money back guarantee; I believe it's offered on these. Is that why you're asking after buying the tires? Perhaps you should be telling us how you like them. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tests/testDisplay.jsp?ttid=5 http://www.tirerack.com/tires/tires.jsp?ti...um=865HR5AFLH30 http://www.tirerack.com/tires/surveyresult...tireSearch=true http://www.tirerack.com/survey/SurveyComme...Descending=true
Thanks for your reply. I've been driving on these tires for two weeks. Very smooth ride so far although I'm taking a slight hit on the MPG.
I have them on my 04' and I'm getting 54.2 MPG. Granted, I bought the car used and these are the tires that were on the vehicle. The previous owner had them at 25 PSI and I still have great MPG. Inflated them to 40 PSI which improved my MPG by 2 miles. However, the side effects of this is the tires are a lot louder rolling down the road and are a lot stiffer on the bumps.