I was driving to a client today, and at a stop sign suddenly, BING BING...Engine malfunction, limp mode, visit dealer immediately. Non prime here. Just had the doors recall last Saturday and had no issues over the last year. No idea what could've caused this, but it's at the dealer now, towed, and probably there for a while...at least my dealer had a loaner car free while it's in the shop. Any ideas of what could be happening? Could it be related to the recall?
Related to the recall? No. I don't think it could be related even if the tech managed to damage some random wire while doing the work. There's just nothing going to the rear doors that could cause an engine malfunction. I guess I'd be more willing to believe a screw up while doing the regular service versus anything to do with the recall. I wish you would've had a code scanner to see what codes were thrown before the shop took over. Without that info, there's no way to know if this is a mechanical problem, an electrical problem, or something else altogether.
There have been instances of such malfunctions reported here, which are common in new redesigns. Check the several threads on such instances here. Hopefully by the 2026 model year, these bugs will have been fixed. And report here what the dealer finds.
Ok. Bad news- turns out there were rodents eating the electric cables, and caused almost $ 600 worth of damage; has anyone had that happen to them? I spoke to the dealer service rep, who told me I need to put 'MOTH BALLS' in strategic places in the engine bay, which will repel the rodents from doing that again. I can confirm where I live, due to the 100+ degree heat, there have been alot of rodents, yet my car was just at the dealer service last Saturday and they said it would have happened between then and today. Dammit!
Yeah because the wiring harness uses soy-based plastic, which rodents like to eat. Best option is to make friends with neighborhood/stray cats. They'll keep rodents, squirrels and anything else that likes to eat the wiring harnesses away.
been happening to prius forever, and other cars. consider yourself lucky, some cars have been totaled by rodents
Or you could own a Mercedes from the late-90s/early-00s(I think that was the timeframe) where the wiring harnesses were not only tasty to rodents but also biodegradable. And they misjudged the rate of degradation. It's fantastic to have the harness completely fall apart in just under 20 years. /s
Glad I live at 8800'. Not too many rodents and winter is coming... Maybe wrap wiring with something that isn't attractive to rodents?
Used peppermint packs gauged at repelling rodents...miss my new car smell, and smells like toothpaste but no rodents is better
We have had some success with high frequency sound devices in the attic. You would need to plug it into 120v.
1 mouse trap in front of each front wheel, especially in fall and winter. I would find them in the air cleaner as well. I would usually catch about 1-3 a week in ea trap for the 1 st month or so, then 1 a month. If it's in a garage, check your garage door bottom weatherstrip. I found they can chew through it looking for a place that is warmer going into winter. If they did chew, stuff steel wool in the opening where they got in. Their tummys don't like that. ;-). If you store bird seen in the garage they go for that as well.