In this video , the lady used clean agent to clean the evaporator. Did she clean the outside of evaporator or the inside ( the pipes) of the evaporator?
This is a fogging system that's cleaning the outside of your evaporator coil that's the part in the car that gets cold that's in that air box in the center of the car that's a real bitch to remove to replace it or work on it so basically you're saying you've had rats running around in your air conditioning duct work and have been pooping and peeing and they've probably left all kinds of pieces of torn up paper and all kinds of nonsense in that ductwork while they're running around burrowing sleeping making nests whatever I didn't even look to see what part of the country you're in I understand you've put up the screen and all that stuff where you think they're getting in now what you need to do is take apart some of the ductwork that runs into the system You may be able to do this at the evaporator box undo some of the ductwork that'll let you get your Shop-Vac nozzle right in the box somewhat and with a good five horsepower shop vac you'll be able to suck up a lot of the feces which should be dry and sound like kernels of corn bouncing around in your system vacuum all that up vacuum up all the pieces of paper towel and blue paper towel from the sheets and wipes and anything else that they've got a hold of to make a nest with and then maybe this might be a thing right now you're just wetting down all of the stuff they were going to use for a nest and making it almost impossible to get out that also could clog up your drain tube which you need to work well in any car so that the water your air conditioning system is removing from the air the relative humidity can drain out of that box on a Prius on a hot day you should have a spot the size of the car on the ground in 20 minutes practically if you sit and just run your air conditioner and play on your phone or whatever it is folks are doing today living in the car etc so this is just an external cleaner You do not need to break the system down and clean the internal pipes mice and rats can't access the internal pipes and if they do because they chewed through them then your air conditioning system won't work. And you have a very expensive near $3,000 repair so there's always that I would try to vacuum that stuff up dry first before I go fogging my duct work and my evaporator box I truly would but this has nothing to do with cleaning internally generally that's not needed unless you're compressors exploded and the person that replaced your compressor didn't thoroughly know what they were doing and then you're back to square one possibly but generally stuff like this is really not a thing If you get that stuff vacuumed up then maybe run some warm water through your ductwork slowly pour it so it'll run right down to the evap box like water would be building up as the system was running You can do this without it running and make it some pretty hot water and it'll go down to the bottom of the air box foam which you can't see that will start loosening up that poop and pee and a good bit of it may run right out of the drain hole but I would vacuum first no question about that you'll be vacuuming up things that sound like little pieces of corn colonel open the shop vac and see all the nesting material that you've got with it too now run the hot water through it Wait a couple weeks if you still think you need to do it again do it again but you don't need these chemicals hot water is your friend it'll loosen up most of that nonsense pretty well and then you don't have to worry about all these chemicals The ozone smell you kind of smell when you turn on your air conditioner that's just the byproduct of turning on the air conditioner that usually goes away once the system's running and it started That's just moisture build up in the system because the system is working properly so I wouldn't waste my time with all these foggers and chemicals that would be a last resort
It cleaned the outside. Inside have freon, because it's a sealed system. She could have just pulled the hose off the evaporater housing. She should have wrapped the tape around house then the drain hose. And secure it higher than where the drain attached to the evap housing. Reading the directions on both cans probably would have been a good idea. Removing the cabin air filter, and spraying it with Lysol for a while, and on recirculate, and let it idle for 15 minutes or so. Also, she needs to clean the whole inside of the car, mostly rugs and seats with white vinegar and water to neutralize the acid in the rat urine... Maybe change the cabin air filter? And spray and pour the vinegar and water solution down the air intake at the bottom of the windshield....
Rodents involved? Get 1/4” space galvanized steel mesh, seal that cabin air intake. Doing the exhaust vents at the two rear corners good too. for AC mold: use AC sparingly, and turn it off, but leave blower running, about a mile before destination. Yeah a PITA workaround, but the only thing that works.
Yeah I generally shut down the air leave the blower on put it in fresh like 4 minutes before pulling in the driveway and of course the women go crazy because they're burning up and catching on fire they'll spontaneously internal combust if it lasts another 4 seconds but such as life not too much stinking in the car from the old water which is not really there at that time.
Yes there are companies that specialize in flushing and cleaning auto AC systems out so you can get these chemicals from lots of places I wouldn't think easier than Amazon but you can still do it and probably not as an expensive but I don't really shop around that heavily anymore I have accounts so they generally take care of it pretty reasonable.
You've got to be able to get them in there in good fashion and to come out just as fast some of these things you can use the computer shop vac hoses on a fairly decent shop vac with a bleed valve built into the hose so you can set the chemical up to go in clean deposit in the tray where the water supposed to be which there's none right now and then suck out the dirt debris and nonsense through that little hole sometimes you can put a better fitting piece of clear tubing so you can see what you're sucking out If you think it's really nasty you can fog it with the chemical real good then use a spray tube connected to a small sprayer that will spray hot water into the box and I mean pump it in there pretty quickly almost fill the box up and then put your suction on the same tubing after that and see what you pull through the hose You want to do that till you can get it to run about clear but I mean honestly if you've got mouse and rat poop in the foams of your air conditioner evaporator case You've done something there buddy I mean wow I would think just running it over time also it would just dissipate after a while just the water building up in the box and so on and so forth everyday but yeah that's disgusting I didn't even look to see where that person lived but I'm here in Central North Carolina and we have rodents up the wazoo none of them seem to get in the car and if they do they get in and tear up the paper towels on the rear floor I leave them there purposely but it's rare of course I put food out on the property for well rodents and animals way out on the corners of the property I see the squirrels and the all the silly animals that we have around here they go out there and eat and then I guess they tend to not bother the cars and tear up under the shed and all that much before I put the food out they used to burrow and tear up the shop grabbing rags and pieces of insulation and ripping it to shreds to make a nest with and all that stuff since the food's gone out and stays out pretty regularly not so much of any of that going on I don't know why don't really care but seems to work somewhat I used to hand feed raccoons and stuff so who knows but I certainly wouldn't want crap smell in the air conditioning sealed system of my car
You know if you go to the auto dealership like on a Monday mid-morning 9:00 to 11:00 you'll see all the trucks pull in that sell all the stuff to the service center at the car dealership you'll see the air conditioner guy come with all kinds of cleaning stuff and special smelly stuff that makes the inside of your car smell like the hospital and all that nonsense then the BG guy will show up and that's the guy that cleans your intake and sells all those high dollar chemicals to the service bay that cleans out your intake and your fuel injection system and all that and then if this was several years ago right after that the wynns extend man would come. But the wynns guy there's probably for a lot of people's time here
Sure, but you got to get to the coils... It's not really easy to do. With the cabin air filter, most of the dirt and dust don't get to the coil so they don't get as dirty. Hopefully, the foam expands to the top of the coils, all the coils, and loosens the dirt, then it gets pulled down to the bottom and washes out. With a house ac, you have access to the evaporator and condensor to brush off....