It's in your Service Handbook. Look at yours, it's for your car - they an be different for different cars only slightly older or newer, or different geographical areas.
Every 5k or 6mo Tire Rotation Every 10k or 1 year Oil Change You can make an account on Toyota and download the service schedule and Owners Manuel if you got it used and Seller/dealer wasn't able to give you one.
Enter your vehicle model here: Online Toyota Vehicle Maintenance and Service Schedule | Toyota Owners
I was so impressed by the graphic representation Mendel Leisk developed for gen 3 (and then followed up with gen 2) that I proudly plagiarized his outstanding work and did the same for gen 4. It took me a fair bit of searching to find the source document which for my model and US location is under “Warranty Information” in the Owner's section of
Why waste time with a tire rotation? When the fronts are bald, throw them away, put the rears up front and put the new ones in the rear. Saves a lot of time
The tires wear more on the front. Why move the rear to the front? Better to put a couple of new ones on the front.
Toyota Tech Info website has the pdf version of Toyota USA’s Warranty and Maintenance Booklet, maybe easier to navigate. On the home page click on “Manuals” tab, then fill in the vehicle info. I’ve done a 4th Gen spreadsheet I’m pretty sure, can look for it and post in a bit, for comparison. Attached:
Mendel - Thank you. I'm going to have to improve my skills since I didn't find these when I searched. I interpreted the Toyota manual with the same result as did you with the exception of engine/inverter coolant footnote (1) on yours. I did not find that information, do you recall where it is? I also included "replace transaxle fluid" but without a specific period. I did so as a placeholder with the intention of adding that piece once discovered. Can you offer any guidance regarding that? Thanks in advance.
In the Toyota USA schedule it says to change both coolant circuits at 100k, and there’s diminutive “3” (footnote ref) after the statement. Flip forward two pages to the footnotes, and footnote 3 basically says to not do the inverter coolant change till 150k. And for both, subsequent changes every 50k. this odd contradiction has been thus for Gen 3 and 4 (not sure about 2). The inference you have to take is that the footnote governs, since it follows. But it is pretty silly, and they don’t bother to revise it. I’d have to check, but wouldn’t doubt it lives on for Gen 5. FWIW, my Canadian spec Gen 3 has a sticker on the inverter coolant reservoir that says to not change it till 150k miles (odd in itself, considering we’re “metric” now). But Toyota Canada says to change both at 100k miles (actually 160k kms), more or less the same thing). worth noting, all of these intervals are miles or years, whichever comes first, with 100k miles corresponding to 10 years, and so on. Well except for that decal on the inverter fluid, which talks about miles only, and which Toyota Canada tells me to ignore (in an email). also: my object with these spreadsheets is just to make an understandable representation of the schedule, not to embellish or add to it. dammit, I did type a few more paragraphs, on transaxle fluid and brake fluid intervals. But this is on my iPhone, and @danny’s half broken site serves up stale edits, and if you do multiple edits without a refresh you lose them. I’m tired, tomorrow lol.