2024 Prius Prime. How do I make changes to the settings in the "Vehicle settings" menu and have them stay set after I turn the car off and back on? In particular, I'd like to turn off the FCTA ("front cross-traffic alert," I think). Cool feature and all, but I just don't find it useful and I'd rather get beeped at somewhat less. I can go into the menu and turn it off, no problem, and if I exit from the menu and go back in and look, it's off. But if I power down the car, power it back up, and THEN look at the menu, the feature is back on. Am I missing some step I have to take to make the changes persist?
That might be something that resets to a default setting after the car is turned off. Manufacturers do that with some features. Have you tried changing other settings to see if they stick?
I had a similar issue with the B mode not saving my setting for it. Even though it was set to save. It seemed like it'd randomly reset and not save with the key profile. It did seem to happen more frequently when pairing another phone than the one with my key fob profile. After receiving my second key, I made profiles for each drivers and assigned them a phone per FOB. It seems to keep the settings now. Not sure if it helps you but basically mine seemed to stem to connecting different phones on the same key/profiles. It seems like it would load some settings based on the phone instead of the key fob or just connecting another phone seemingly reset it at time. I'm also not 100% sure it was that but it's the most likely culprit from what I could see.
A bit of Googling reveals that this is a deliberate feature. Apparently there's some sort of legal requirement that certain safety features, including that one, can't be permanently disabled. This is silly, in my humble opinion, but there it is. I've seen suggestions that dealer service department computers may have a way to disable some of these non-disablable features; I've got a message in to my dealership asking them about that. But apparently there's really no way to do it from the car's user interface. Bah. I did manage to disable the driver monitor "feature," but just turning it off in the options menu didn't do it. I had to slap a piece of electrical tape over the camera before it would shut up about "Driver monitor unavailable, see user manual" every flippin' time I held the steering wheel with my left hand at the 1:00 position, which I do a lot.