It's not full screen mirroring, but you can use an app called CarStream to play YouTube videos on Android Auto. You have to also install an app called AAAD(Android Auto Apps Downloader) on your phone to allow it to download and install a non-approved Android Auto app. Once done, CarStream will appear on your infotainment screen and act just like YouTube(including subscriptions, history, etc.). It's a tiny bit buggy, but no worse than the Toyota infotainment software. Normally a reboot of the head unit solves the problem(hold down the volume/power button for about 5 sec). I've been using the app for over a year with no real problems.
I've downloaded carstream, however it doesn't show up on my android auto infotainment. I'm running android 14
Check out some videos on how to install both AAAD and CarStream and see if you missed something. I'm running Android 14 on my S22 and it shows up on my 2023 Prius screen just fine. I think there was a step you needed to do inside Android Auto on your phone to make the program appear on the car's screen. There also now appears to be ways to install CarStream without AAAD, so maybe one of those videos can also help. I installed everything almost 18 months ago, so I don't really remember anything about how exactly it was done.
In case the amazon link doesn't show, look up TTV443B-D Datasystem Data System TV Kit Built-In for Alphard, Vellfire and Prius with TSW016
I'm pretty sure all that device does is bypass the lockout that prevents the Japanese Prius from displaying video while driving. The Japanese Prius uses different infotainment software that includes TV, plus it has an HDMI port in the center console. I don't think this product would do anything in a US Prius.
You wouldn't happen to have links to the videos? I'm gonna do some research myself also. Thanks for helping out, hopefully I can get this figured out
Interesting. I'm seeing a lot of comments on reddit about how CarStream doesn't work with Android 14, but I never lost function when my phone upgraded to 14. And I'm pretty sure I never rooted it. I don't know if this is the video I followed, but it seems to do what I did back then to the best of my memory.
If it helps, I'm currently running: Samsung S22: Android 14, One UI 6.1, Software Update 37(S901USQS6EXH8) AAAD: v1.4.4 CarStream: v2.0.5