Can you set the system to lock all the doors automaically upon leaving the vehicle, with the fob in your pocket? It already knows if you have the fob because it won't lock if you don't. (I am not talking about automatically locking the doors when you're inside and start driving away which i know can be done.)
Short answer....No. That would be pretty darn cool if it could be set that way, and probably would be really convinient frequently, but I think there would be other times that it could be a pain. I also suspect there would be problems making it work. Remember that the Prius quits sensing for the FOB after a while when you're inside with it, and the door antennae only sense outward, so it could lock the doors when you're still in the car (not necessarily a bad thing unless you left the fob in the car after you got out thereby locking yourself out of the car.). I think it could/should be a programmable/custom feature, but who knows why they chose not to do that.
I agree that it would be a really nice feature to have. Its not a trivial issue, but something like the following sequence might be nice: 1. Prius is turned off 2. In car sensor checks for the fob 3. In-car sensor loses track of the fob (out of range) 4. The door/side sensor senses the fob 5. Door/side sensor sees the fob is out of range (and not in the car again) 6. All doors lock Definitely some possible complications, but I'd choose to have something liek this turned on. I think I saw mention that Coastal Dave might be working on this?
That seems logical enough to me...the sequence. AFAIK, the only door locking mechanism Dave's working on is the one that locks the doors when the car is moving over about 10-15mph.
yea that'd be a cool feature. if it can lock itself after you unlock it without opening the door, why not lock itself when you leave car?
50% of the time, I would like it 50% of the time, it would bother me. When I park somewhere other than home, I would definitely want the car to lock automatically. When I'm at home and the car is in the garage, I would prefer it to not lock so I can get in and out of the car without having the fob with me. Hmm, perhaps a 'don't lock unless commanded' transponder installed in my garage!
This would come in great use to me. There have actually been 2 or 3 times when i forgot to push the little black button upon exiting and I never lock the car. I come back to the car hours later and I find it unlocked... DANGEROUS!
i agree, i would love it if the car would lock automatically maybe 20 seconds after i walk away. we've had several cars with anti-theft systems that did that and you get spoiled... but then, this is also my first car in 10 years that does not have automatic headlights. at least they go off when you exit from the driver's door.
I have this happen and twice now come back to a mess and stuff missing. It happened last night when I was at work even though I've gotten better at locking it, the chances are that I left it unlocked.