As part of maintenance, these 2 items were the last in the list. Replaced water pump and thermostat. Drained coolant from radiator and the coolant heat storage tank. Didn't drain from the block. Still there were some coolant came out from water pump and thermostat area. Overall it went smooth, except i had hard time aligning the water pump with gasket on placement. Was doing from top and not from the wheel area. Old pump was still good. No noise from bearing, but new one seems little bit smoother. 148k on the original one. Thermostat, was stuck and had to turn it around few times to get it loose. Had to use almost 2 containers of Toyota coolant to refill. The fluid that came out was pink, i guess the previous owner might have changed it. Didn't want to take chance.This was the last fluid i had to replace on this car. Should had flushed the heater core also. It is working fine now. But it was easy to do at this time . Just slide the inverter to the front.
Good God all three of mine have over 300k no mechanical water pumps I think original belts might be a replacement belt I have to go look and one broke last week just popped a new belt on and keep getting it.
Some how it got into me. Had a water pump failure on the Passat i had at school parking lot. It overheated and all. So after that, close to 100k, i started replacing them on all cars i had. Mainly peace of mind. Also my teenage son is driving it full time now I had replaced the belt few weeks back. It had cracks in them. Was in bad condition. The water pump from Prius was in good shape compared to the others i have removed. @Tombukt2 - Yours still have the original thermostat? Only coolant was changed? The only item i had to change because it failed was the Inverter coolant pump(other than tires). ABS actuator was making constant noise, so changed it. Seems it was about time for that.
Original stats as far as I know thermostats that is and most of them except the one I just replaced I think have original water pumps like I said the gold car the belt broke off of it the other day I just put it on this morning and drove the car everything is fine I also had a Passat where you have to spread the plate behind the timing belt to put the thermostat in a real winter that design was matter of fact that car is still out here has an Audi interior and it was every button and sensor you can imagine and it all works needs a thermostat pretty clean too.
Did you check the drive belt pulley? I give it a spin when the water pump belt is off. If it spins smoothly and quietly I leave it alone. If it sounds "dry" or rumbly (like antique roller skates or maybe an old garage door roller), then I replace it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yes.. i checked the pulley. Works fine and spins smoothly. Checked the car fax..12/05/2014 at 73,729 mi, following services were done at dealership (related to cooling system). Coolant temperature sensor replaced Serpentine belt replaced Drive belts checked
That's wonderful stuff until you get up around 250K miles . None of this will pretty much matter. But it's good that people have been taking care of the car and putting on belts and all of that sort of thing excellent and you're at what 100 some odd K now. And if you're just a regular driving person not running a taxi cab or living in the car for Uber eats or whatever it should take you 20 years to get to $300,000 mi in this car just going back and forth to work and taking the kids and going to the grocery store.
It is driven around 1k miles a month now with school trips and all. Will go up when he starts driving more to college and all.
On one of mine I put a thousand miles a week almost and then my other half puts about $1,500 on an '07 and I got the other two that basically sit and run and rotation one has a trailer hitch on it that we can move the trash with and things like that and the other one is the real clean car we take that out when we got to go somewhere where we don't want to look like a bunch of old hippies It's a very clean leather interior car that all one color hasn't faded or doesn't look crazy that sort of thing so we don't drive that one a lot so we can stay in nicer condition so when we have to go out amongst the wealthy folk that looked down on people that's fun to go to those things too when we pull up in our '07 that's all clean and blah blah blah people look at the car and they're pointing their finger and they're going high I remember I what it yeah 07 Prius buddy yeah thank you Just park it over there leave the remote in it thanks.
1000 miles a week? Does oil change every 1-1.5 months? BTW are they still on original battery? Also the mpg on 3 cars? Mine, i am getting 30. Initially thought something wrong. Fuel trims are good, hybrid battery seems to be healthy. Then realized it is my son's driving habit. The Avalon hybrid i have, when i drive, it is always >35 mpg and with his driving, it goes down to 20s. The old bmw z3, i get 20 and he gets 14. Teenage driving
Generally without any lifting on stock tires and 15-in rims we're getting around 40 maybe a tad more this is all on the MFD display . All three of them average this mileage pretty easily The one car I have that's lifted has been knocked back to 37 mi to the gallon permanently I'm looking to change that here shortly I think I found the fix and that's just with lowering the front end back to almost stock lifting the rear about 35 mm and putting 205 60s all the way around I think that's the solution I should put the front end back down in the more aerodynamic position and what's happening now. And on thousand Mile weeks or every 8 days I still stretch the oil change out to about 90 days It doesn't seem to bother the cars I have a work vehicle generation two that I'll drive until it gets the timing code and then change the oil and that's about $16,000 mi and it's pretty dirty but it's a work vehicle we've been waiting for this one to fail for some time and it just keeps ticking away.
My wife also gets worse mpg than I do. Part of it is that she is one of these people who wants their right foot on the gas or on the brake at all times. When I drive my right foot is often on the gas but with little or zero pressure. She rarely coasts, whereas I do a lot. Teenage boys like to zoom zoom, the 2nd generation Prius is not the car for that. The fifth generation Prius is, supposedly.