9:30 A.M. Wednesday received the "senior" dose flu vax plus the brand new Pfizer CoVid vax. By 2 p.m arm really hurt ... Both jabs in same arm. By 6 p.m., felt as if I had a sore throat and fever and arm pain had spread into shoulder. By 10 p.m. I took three ibuprofen and went to bed. This morning, slight pain in arm, but by mid-afternoom, that had faded. In fall 2023, had the flu and CoVid combo and arm hurt a bit, but not much. Different flu and CoVid combos of course.
I like to spread my vaccinations by a week or two. It makes it easy to identify which side effect came from which one. Bob Wilson
I also recently have gotten both vaccines. I spread then out with the new Covid Shot 1st and then 12 days latter the flu. The new "Senior Flu Shot" was a non-event" for me - no arm ache - no symptoms associated with the shot at all. New Covid shot was the Moderna Brand - I had arm pain for 2 days and the 24 hours after the shot I had flu like symptoms and was lethargic - actually spend most of that time laying around. The next day symptoms were completely gone and everything back to normal. I believe this was my 6th covid shot since 2020 (the first Covid Vaccines required 2 shots for full immunization) and had the most after effects - but they only lasted for 24 hours in my case. My Primary Physician insists on these vaccines as preventative medicine for senior citizens and so far he has been right - I haven't experienced a severe episode of Covid or the Flu even though as a senior citizen I would most certainly be in the highest risk group. I would be posting this not as a referendum on vaccines but as a point of reference for another who may be or have gotten the vaccines.
Note to self: Get an influenza shot. I've recently been victimized by my labour union so I have to wait until my schedule and finances settle out before I start getting my annuals. It's more of a time thing than a money thing - and there's still a month left in hurricane season. I'm waiting for more longitudinal data on the 'vid shot. People in my orbit are still getting it (the 'vid, not the shot) but for some reason I'm still mostly asymptomatic since my first encounter with the bug. It's not for lack of exposure. I have three precious grandchildren and a daughter who is an educator, and I am an active member of a Sothern Baptist church, so I kiss everyone in this part of the county, if not country by proxy. TIFWIW.
I can sympathize with you - in my younger days I was an unwilling captive of the AFL-CIO Union (Teamster Local) and often a victim/unwilling member of their strikes. It does cause financial mayhem for the members of the Union. In the 1980's the Government actually cleaned house and took control of the Union because it was so corrupt. The Flu Shot in our area cost $95 and the Covid Shot $185 - no small event for someone on strike and possible medical benefits on hold until the strike monkeyshines are over.
Have had Medicare for about a year now and did not realize how "bare bones" the coverage actually is in my region. My parents had much better coverage with Medicare. Don't get me wrong. Not exactly looking for a free lunch, but when an epi-pen costs you nearly $500.... Hey Mendel....how does that Canadian system work for you folks?
i like to wait until october to get my shots. flu, rsv, covid, a week apart. too much suffering from one shot at a time to attempt multiples. we started on medicare 4 years ago, plus and advantage supplement and pharma coverage. we have hardly paid a dime for some serious medical interventions including a hospital stay.