alarm activation

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by vitaly, Jan 7, 2007.

  1. vitaly

    vitaly New Member

    Jan 6, 2007
    i'm reposting as a new thread... it got lost before... sorry for condusion:

    hi all.

    this is a reply to an old message by danman.

    i just bought a 2007 prius, package 2. alarm not activated. does anyone know someone in the boston area that can activate the alarm? is there any way i can activate this myself? has anyone just gone to a toyota dealer service center and had this activated? at what cost?

    is the glass breakage sensor really worth it? is there a sizable insurance discount?

    anyway, thanks. this is a great forum and i'm happy to "join the club." less (gas guzzling) car....


    QUOTE(DanMan32 @ Dec 28 2006, 10:01 PM) *

    Yes, all Prius MY 2004+ have the hardware (horn) /software (part of body ECU) to provide alarm, but some packages have the alarm deactivated. The OEM alarm 'add-on' simply adds glass breakage sensor, and provides instructions to activate the alarm. The dealer's scan tool is required to activate the alarm. The dealer needs to follow the instructions provided with PN 08586-47840, skipping over to page 12 where the scan tool instructions begin.

    It was found that if the glass breakage sensor is added to a Prius with a factory disabled alarm, then a yellow wire needs to be cut/removed as described on page 10. However, if the sensor is not added, then the wire can be left alone. This wire is not documented in the Prius wiring diagram.
    The dealer can get these instructions from TIS. It really is a quick procedure, so a 'nice' dealer may not charge for this. However, I wouldn't put it past a dealer to charge for this, or even decline doing it. I know Toyota wouldn't sanction it, as they want to charge you for the feature.

    Rick57 (I think that's his login) was a Toyota tech that confirmed the alarm is there and can be activated, and he wouldn't charge for the service.
  2. vitaly

    vitaly New Member

    Jan 6, 2007

    i just with the dealer and they said that the 2007 prius (package 2) does NOT have the alarm installed, so it's not as simple as just waving a scantool to activate an already existing alarm. they said that the glass breaking sensor and alarm are one component now and can both be installed for $169+2hrs labor.... any thoughts?
