I went to get a fill up of gas, but failed to turn the engine off like I usually do. The fill up did NOT register, it showed 2 "PIPS" before the fill up & that's where it stayed after the fill up, after driving 100 miles now the car low gas level display shows up. Of course there are still 300 miles worth of driving range left. Is there some way to reset the gauge/pips so it's accurate?
Are you sure you put gas in the car? I fill mine up all the time with it running and it registers fine. Could be a bad fuel pump/sender too
Whitrzac: Thanks for your comments. Yes definetly filled the tank. Got the receipt from the gas station attendant. What's the implication of having a bad fule pump/sender? (Besides the "Low Fuel Indicator").
There are problems! First: it is not clear what kind of car you have? Prius GEN2, GEN3, GEN4? The features of each car are different and there is no universal answer. Second: how much fuel did you fill the car with? A small amount of fuel does not affect the change in the fuel level reading on the dashboard.