I put my 2023 prius into ACC mode to listen to audio and find the radio no longer turns off when the car is turned off. It shuts off only when the car door opens. How do I reverse this so the audio turns off when the car turns off? I can't find anything in either the regular or multimedia manuals
Make sure you've gone through all the functions on the dash thoroughly to be certain you haven't overlooked anything. Then next step is getting the software they replaced Toyota Techstream with and the correct dongle to connect your laptop to the car and you'll have access to almost all the same settings that Toyota mechanics have. If it were a younger generation Prius I'd tell you to simply buy a mini-VCI dongle online for $35 and it comes with a hacked copy of Toyota Techstream. But I read recently that Toyota has a new system for newer vehicles. Maybe someone who knows more can add to this thread?
Sounds like the "ACC customise" option. Flip that to the other setting. One of the settings makes the power states more automatic and gets rid of the ACC/POWER ON distinction.
You don't want to sit there in just ACC/ON mode. You will drain the 12v battery. Just put it in READY and avoid all the headaches of a dead battery.
Would you please clarify whether "flip that to the other setting" would be done if and only if I use Toyota's software as suggested in the other response? I have not gone that route, and have so far been unable to locate any way to customize the ACC setting on either the multidisplay screen, or through the Settings feature(s). Should mention that my Gen 5 is a hybrid, not Prime Many tx
No, it's a setting in the multimedia screen options: Settings / Vehicle customization / Utility / ACC customize
If you're talking about leaving the car in "N", you can do now that in OFF state with some magic gear lever juggling before turning off. (See manual section "Keeping the shift position in N without activating the automatic P position selection function".) Otherwise, I think you've always needed to be in at least POWER ON to select N, not ACC. The ACC customise option removes the separate ACC mode, so you only have OFF, POWER ON and READY. And it makes it so that the radio/navigation system stays on when you go to OFF, until you open the door - most usefully giving you a next charge time indication with "charge now" button - and I think it also makes it start to initialise when you approach/unlock so it starts up faster. I don't think that impacts N selection.
Yeah ACC + N was recommended by the manual for an automatic car wash eg like a drive through car wash - but realistically I need to switch directly drom READY+D to N as I enter the drive through. I would not mind stainy in READY+N but I assume the car willl go wild with emergency braking and such, which is not what you want to happen when pulled through the car wash. I whish there would be a simple car wash mode like with Teslas...
Thanks everyone. Changed the acc customization setting and all appears to be back to normal. Appreciate your additional insights, too