My wife and I purchased a Toyota prous v 2012 about a year ago It is now at around 150k At around 147.5k I drove it about 2k over the limit for estimated mileage change for Estimation was 145 and i think I was around 147k and got the oil changed somewhere between 147-148k after driving the vehicle on red oil change indicator light for maybe a week at 300 -500miles in southern Az I know realize this was stupid of me Made it to phoenix and I was told by a mechanic there was no oil and had I drove it about few miles the engine would have gone so they put 4 quarts of oil in there In the palm springs area at around 150,500 a few days ago I noticed some hesitancy in acceleration at intersections arriving in palm springs at intersections slow to accelerate and at 30mph I could really feel lack of power and the vehicle not wanting to accelerate to 50mph It has been hot this summer in Az and I have driving alot being housless.I have some autoimmune conditions and may also be borderline autistic A mechanic in Indio,Ca charged me 130 cash to put in oil as he said it was empty.He wouldn't accept debit.No diagnostics done but test driving. He said its OK just drive the car more lightly and let it charge. I told him this is a hybrid not electrical It drove slightly better after he added oill Friday morning .And then Saturday after checking put of the hotel it drove even better The hesitancy during reversing and accelerating forward mostly disappeared. I guesstimate it may be 75% to 90% of function intuively though I could be wrong.Just slightly less power at mid to higher speeds So the car drove from 147-148 k miles to 150,500 and burned 4 quarts of oil in the process.There is no visible pu At first I thought I went through 4 quarts in 700 miles I have some memory issues its possible that I may have gone through 4 quarts in 2k miles There is no noticeable oil leak Anyways I camp in the vehicle due to environmental illness and only receive a small disability check and so does my wife Im looking for low income housing for her meanwhile I will need to continue remaining outdoors and have a functioning vehicle And only have about 3k left in savings Is it almost certain that the engine is gone or partially damaged rather than extreme Az heat causing this even though the car drives much better after the oil was added 2 days ago ? There is Maybe about 80% of original horsepower and acceleration as it was originally inutively guesstimate I need this vehicle for mold avoidance and cannot afford to be stuck indoors in conventional housing due to health reasons Thank you
it is very likely that you have engine damge due to running low on oil. the egr circuit also probably needs cleaning. if you are incapable of checking your own oil and adding as needed, any gas station will check it for you and add oil if necessary at no cost but the oil which might be $10. per quart at most. don't let dishonest mechanics rip you off.
I am pretty sure the “red oil change light” was actually the low oil pressure light which is one of four shutdown immediately warnings. Regardless of the light, your engine burns oil at an excessive rate and most likely has severe damage requiring engine replacement. Or, if you’re extremely lucky, at least a $2,000 head gasket. Given your $3k savings, you are probably in a bad position now. I would take it to a dealer for diagnosis and report back before doing anything. From last year: If I were you I would try to make it to Hybridpit in Los Angeles. I would buy AAA long distance towing coverage and carry extra oil and coolant.
Correct. Look for a destroyed piston and a hole in the side if the block where the almost indestructible wrist pin has been ejected. No oil means seized crank bearings and bent collecting rids.