Interestingly, the car just sounded an alarm - for the first time ever. We don't have an added alarm package that I'm at all aware of (after 19 years). Driver parked in garage, came inside, then suddenly – blaring honking, a siren, and all lights flashing. Again, this is a first. And the only thing that's changed recently is the headlight bulb installation last night. Possibly related. Or what could have started this? Also noticed, for a week now, in case it's related, that the touch display is now, finally, always off when starting the car until a button is pressed. For years, it has been automatically on when starting the car. Any ideas what this means or if related to the alarm? Your thoughts please...
What display is off It should be I think when you get in the car there's no displays on until you push the button That's correct Tell me this when you open the door or the hatch do you see the little red indicator that the door is open?
We're referring to the touch display. For all the past several years, as I recall, the touch display is always coming on, automatically, when starting the car. I posted here a couple years ago on this, seeking a means to stop it, unfortunately to know avail. Suddenly, several days ago, it seems to have reset itself and now works like it should, i.e., it's off when the car is started until a display button is pressed. Terminal punctuation is important for clarity.
I've never known any generation too having to push any button to have the MFD be on the minute you turn the car on the MFD comes on now if you turn it off the MFD and turn the car back on then you have to push the menu button and the display to bring up the display or it'll be blank I don't even think there is a display button is there and one of those button to say display I don't know what they all say by heart
In any event, the display is working normally now, after years of not doing so. But the main question, to return to it, involves this alarm instance described. It's hard to parce these messages.
MFD can be switched off in black screen mode. This is an option in one of the MFD menus. But this is not related to replacing the lamps in the headlight. Inflating the tire with air has the same effect on the MFD, it has no effect at all.
The alarm is not triggered by lamp replacement or MFD operation. I have had the alarm triggered a couple of times when the key fob from the car in my pocket was activated by accidentally pressing the red ALARM button. Pushing the panic switch for 1 second blows the horn intermittently and flashes the headlights, tail lights and emergency flashers and turns on the interior light. The panic switch is used to deter vehicle theft when you witness anyone attempting to break into or damage your vehicle. The alarm will last for one minute. To stop the alarm midway, do the following: Push any switch on the key. Put the hybrid system in the “IG−ON” mode. The panic mode does not work in “IG−ON” mode. The alarm function can be activated or deactivated. For details, contact your Toyota dealer.