He can do whatever he wants to, I don't have a problem with him, but he must have had his tongue in his cheek when he named it Colossus. Elon Musk is putting his AI chips to work — and he's catching up with Mark Zuckerberg (msn.com)
I'm less interested in GPU counts than what problem(s) they are trying to solve. Full Self Driving is the most important to me. A 'smarter' Google is nice but the current one meets my modest needs. Now if one of them would address battery chemistry, that could be a game changer. Bob Wilson
... shades of Benedict Arnold! Throwing his weight to a second Trump administration? Horrors! The good Elon Musk, no longer darling of the Prius Chat, perhaps a poll should be initiated, what should be his punishment? -- Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile.
Unfair. We've had others equally venal in their political views such as the Koch brothers and Ford. Brilliant in their technical fields but anti-christian in their political and private behavior. Benedict Arnold hid his perfidy. Bob Wilson