Ok if you cant already tell Im not 100% comupter literate... The present Home Machine is a 1995 NEC system w/64k ram, It was good in the day but now has joined the ranks of the other obsolete machines. What I will be using the new machine for? * Email, I send/recieve LOTS of email . * Internet surfing / watching vid clips. * Making C/Ds when needed. ********************************************************** I am looking for a RELIABLE standard upgradable machine with a mouse & a 17-19" flat screen monitor and speakers & would like to keep the price under $499.99. I had a Mac in 82, and will never own another one.(limited) So a Mac is out of the question. I just purchased a dell 900 laptop that the wife uses, with a wireless router so she can use it where ever she wants. I use the old nec Im on DSL and it runs like its on Dial-up with a 3300 baud modem... So anyone have any ideas on what I should get and why? Thanks in advance. J.W.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Jan 7 2007, 09:37 AM) [snapback]372033[/snapback]</div> That's like saying "I had a car in 1922 and I don't want another like that." Macs have changed an awful lot since 1982. In fact all home computers have
Pretty much anything will meet your needs, so look for a brand and style that you find comfortable. I like HP machines. For mail order, most people buy Dells. A package will be the key to keeping down the cost, so look carefully at all of the included extras. If you need or want any expensive software, such as Microsoft Office, try to buy it bundled with the new computer; it's much cheaper that way then buying it separately. Tom
The upcoming release of the new Windows Operating System (called "Vista") to consumers in a few weeks will bring about a surge of new hardware & software. That's your time to watch for bargains. Older systems will be cleared out. Newer systems will be offered with tempting bundles at sweet deals. As for knowing what to buy, most people don't have any idea... since they simply aren't aware what's possible. You really need to play before purchasing. Find a friend with the latest & greatest. Then consider carefully. Regret takes a long time to sink in. Simple things, like capacity & speed limitation, don't become apparent until you've been using the system for awhile. Good luck with your hunt.
if you are looking for the easiest way to create CD's and DVD's, integrate your music, pics and videos and... oops didnt see that no Macs comment...ok...forget it
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA @ Jan 7 2007, 12:05 PM) [snapback]372097[/snapback]</div> Somewhere on this site is a "survey" of computer use. The Mac OS is very popular with Prius owners. The new ones use Intel chips and even run Windows (if you own a copy of XP or eventually Vista). All the benefits of the Mac OS (as mentioned the easiest way to make audio and video) with this option for any Windows only programs you might occasionally need. But for any system that is really any good I think your price point is a bit low. These are all the cheapest components, slowest processors, slowest memory, slowest hard drives (basically trailing edge technology). If you are going to purchase a new computer once per decade, you should consider leading edge components to get you through the years. Vista will require a powerful computer and all future software will incrementally require more powerful systems.
I'm a big fan of laptops, you have a built in UPS, you can take it from room to room, and an "old" laptop seems more useful than an old desktop for the most part. Old, in computer terms being about a year and a half. Not sure you can find one and get an external monitor on that budget, though, might want to look at Dell's website.
I didn't think they were still building anything with only 64K of RAM in 1995. That was about the time I got rid of my old and well-worn 80286, which had 2 MB of RAM. DOS could only "see" 640K, but the rest was a "RAM-disk" under DOS, and was all usable as RAM when I booted in Unix. The thing to be aware of is that any Microsoft-based system requires an anti-virus, a firewall, and an anti-spyware program, and all have to be kept up-to-date with continuing subscriptions. The Mac OS underwent a complete change a while back. No "upgrade," no "backward compatibility." They threw out the entire old system and built a completely new system, which is basically Unix. While it is true that there is less software available for the Mac than for the PC, a Mac is ideally suited to the uses you list. But probably not within your price range. A Mac Mini (no monitor or keyboard: you supply those seoarately) is $599, and an iMac starts at $999. Better quality probably than any of the bottom-of the line PCs, which are much cheaper. You might browse Amazon to see what's available in your price range, read their user reviews, and then ask people you trust about the reliability of the brands you come up with. Whatever you decide to get, good luck. Sounds like anything will be a big improvement over what you are using now.
Get a Mac. Better hardware and better system. If you don't like the Mac operating system you can alaways install Windows or Vista like in any other PC. With the benefit of better hardware and better warranty and support. For the purposes you describe Macs are way ahead of Windows. Way ahead. In case there is any doubt I am familiar with both, here is a shot of my desktop.. Notice Windows as just one more "window"?
I'd suggest waiting a until Jan 30 2007 to get a PC. Microsoft is coming out with a new operating system called Windows Vista. There ale major improvments from XP like better security, more eye candy like Windows Aero, the Windows Sidebar, Windows Calendar, an improved version of Outlook Express now called Windows Mail, Internet Explorer 7 for Windows Vista and lots more. Microsoft's Windows Vista website is http://www.microsoft.com/windowsvista/. For a computer I would suggest a HP a1410e desktop PC HP a1410e site. Hope this helps.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(orionll @ Jan 7 2007, 12:58 PM) [snapback]372118[/snapback]</div> I am attaching a link from some Windows geeks with their negative review of the hardware needs of Vista (and other issues). They used a powerful AMD machine and Vista requires 500 MB of RAM just to boot the computer with the OS and about 40% of the CPU to run the OS. Opening a window to browse the hard drive increases to 700 MB Ram required. So I think Vista will require a top end machine if you go that route. Again I am with the Mac proponents though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b6EJ1uk_yo
Another good point. Vista should be avoided just on the basis of how heavily DRMed everything will be. From software to hardware companies will have more control than ever of what you can do with your media and hardware.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Jan 7 2007, 12:53 PM) [snapback]372117[/snapback]</div> Also, since the Mac is a shell over Unix, you can install any other Unix shell you like. Comes with X11 included in the OS disks. For fun I did this so I could run a free version of a Photoshop equivalent.
Today's Macs ain't your grandmother's macs anymore. What everyone said before. You could pretty much use anything for the limited uses you describe. I think your pricepoint is the limiting factor. For $500 you're talking a high end phone or PDA but they won't burn CDs. You really don't know what you want to do until you get a machine that can do a lot more than you're currently doing. I use a mac at home and a PC at work. I'm with the Mac crowd. With the new Intel chips and the new (to you) operating system, you could install windows (hawk spit) on your Mac. But give the new OS 10 a try. It is amazing. And for everything you plan to do plus a lot more, there are plenty is plenty of Mac software. The only limits are in gaming. And you didn't mention gaming as the primary purpose of your new machine. As for the internet, you will not be messing with the constant updates, security fixes and virus protection on a Mac the way you will with a PC. If you go PC, go XP.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Cam @ Jan 7 2007, 12:45 PM) [snapback]372112[/snapback]</div> Please use care when commenting on Vista. To exploit some of the really cool graphic features, that is true. But for needs like those described on the topic start, that most definitely is not. I've been running Vista since way back in June last year (started with Beta-2, then installed RC1) on just a 1.73 GHz notebook with 500 MB of RAM and a 100 GB harddrive. It's works surprisingly well, even for the stuff I do (see my website).
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Alric @ Jan 7 2007, 03:08 PM) [snapback]372122[/snapback]</div> Second that... a lot of people don't realize just how bad the DRM in vista is going to be. Specifically, if you don't have a monitor that supports the "Protected Video Path", you won't be able to play HD/BluRay DVDs at full quality. And I hear they're going whole hog on the protection stuff again, change a few components and you'll have to call MSFT to 'reactivate' your copy of Vista. Avoid Vista at all costs, at least until they've fixed the first (inevitable) bugs. If you want a user friendly alternative for an OS, get a Mac. If you don't want a Mac, check out something like K/Ubuntu. As for a PC, check out the closeout deals on HP.com. Something like this: http://www.shopping.hp.com/product/outlet_...R900AAR%2523ABA Is a pretty good deal. For 549 you get a A64 X2 (dual cpu), 1GB of Ram, 250GB HD, and a dvd burner. This will handle everything you want to do, and leave you plenty of room to expand your usage in the future.
hey now. suggesting the best course of action aint gonna work if it doesnt fit his needs and CONDITIONS he wants a computer for $499 and he can get one that does what he wants. but it aint gonna be a vista. and as soon as vista comes out, the slower hardware and older OS's will be available for cheap and they will fill his needs. for DVDs get a processor that will run at least 2.4 Ghz. a G-4 or better for the MAC will be more than sufficient. that will run a bit more than his price point but not much