I replace the battery with a Toyota battery. Today my car starts shaking like crazy and I thought it was the head gasket blowing. Check enginr light went on while driving and I pulled the codes from AutoZone. Ignition coil are misfiring, and it says it there's an issue with voltage but the voltage for my battery according to the report is at 14.17. could there be something going on with the new battery? That's causing other issues, now?
The next question would be, if you could get any Prius, which year would you choose? And why? I've already replaced the hybrid battery, brake pump, the water pump, I can't put more money into it. What years or more solid? Would you go for a 2024? I drive my car until it dies kind of gal.
‘24’s have been very good so far. ‘18-‘22 has been very good. That is the last generation. Actually ‘16 and ‘17 were also that generation, but some had leaking cooling systems and blew the engine. Idk what percentage. Are you set on a hybrid?
Kind of, yeah. Every time I start looking for something else, I come back to the cargo space of GEN three, and mpg's of Prius. What would you suggest otherwise?
Nothing really, I just recommend gassers to people who don’t diy, or can’t afford hybrid repairs, It’s hard to find small hatches like the Prius. I usually recommend other Toyota and Honda. If you can afford a gen 5 or later gen 4, that should be fine. Idk how many miles we can expect anymore, gen 3 3 was such a disappointment compared to gen 2, but there are people here with high mileage gen 3, but they are very careful to follow recommendations here on maintenance. Toyota has really dropped the ball with their extended Oil changes, coolants and brake fluid. Plus, there was a coolant pump software update that came out way too late
As you now know, those hybrid batteries are life-limited whether you use them or not. And they're kind of a big deal. So get the youngest one you can afford in order to enjoy the most time in service. Note that some newer models of the Prius use a lithium battery chemistry. The good news is that they may last longer than the nickel metal hydride ones in your car. The bad news is that they haven't been around long enough to prove it.
???? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're responding to. I replaced my hybrid battery with a Toyota new hybrid battery a year and a half ago. The issue I'm having now is I think my 2011 has a head gasket issue. and I'm not sure if it's worth it long enough to prove it.[/QUOTE] ???? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're responding to. I replaced my hybrid battery with a Toyota new hybrid battery a year and a half ago. The issue I'm having now is I think my 2011 has a head gasket issue and I'm not sure where to go from here? I just spent over 5K putting a new Toyota hybrid battery, breaking water pump, 12 V battery. I'm just wondering if it's time to throw in the towel and which Prius is the better Prius. I'm trying to understand what you're answering, thanks!
You had asked about better model years of the Prius. I'm suggesting that you get the youngest one you can afford. I'm pretty sure I quoted your question within my post.