I have a 2002 Prius and when I try to shift, it's like it's not engaging into gear. The shifter is very easy to shift with no resistance at all. When I do shift into a gear like reverse, the square box around the R blinks and the car does not move. It will shift to, say neutral, but it doesn't go into neutral. I hope I've explained clear enough. When shifting into drive gear, the same thing, will not engage into gear. Any suggestions or answers would be greatly appreciated
Should have check engine lights and all that lit up You need the capable scanner to read the 21 or so computers in the car on the can bus and get all the information you need there's a lot of reasons the car won't go into gear hyper isolation fault other type of hybrid battery problems 12 volt not being 12 volts You don't have 12 point something volts on your 12 volt you don't have 12 volts short to 12 volt and then take a reading of it If it's not over 10 you got problems it should recover the 12 very quickly Good luck
In a gen 1, the shift lever mechanically moves a cable that parks and unparks the transmission. That is the only thing the shift lever mechanically does; as far as selecting the gears, it is nothing but an electronic game-controller input to the HV ECU. It is not uncommon in an old gen 1 for the mechanical park/unpark cable to fall off the shift lever. You can find threads here about it. It makes the lever very easy to shift with no resistance at all. Then, when you shift into R or D (or N), the corresponding square box lights up on the dash (because the HV ECU got the intended game-controller input), but the car still can't move, because the transmission is parked.
I'll find some links in a second, but what @ChapmanF said is right. The quick fix just needs a Phillips screwdriver. Sit in the driver's seat and feel around the bottom side of that plastic "pod" that is immediately in front of the steering while, for a recessed hole. There's a Phillips-head screw at the top of that hole; unscrew it. Then, stick the key in and turn it to "Acc" or "On", so you can turn the steering wheel. Crank the steering wheel one way until you see a black Phillips-head screw on the back surface of the "pod"; unscrew it. Then, crank the steering wheel the other way until you see the twin of that screw on the other side of the steering shaft; unscrew it. Carefully pull down on the bottom half of the "pod" to remove it; you can get a finger-hold on it right below the turn signal and windshield wiper levers. Look on the left (outboard) side of the steering shaft, in the space you just uncovered. You should find a gray metal peg, about 8 mm (5/16") diameter. (If you turn the key to "on" and operate the shift lever, the peg will move as you move the lever.) There should also be a mechanical cable that ends in a metal ring, about 15 mm (9/16") OD and 10 mm (3/8") ID. The metal ring will probably be hanging in space, fairly close to the peg. If the ring is right over the peg, put the ring over the peg, and then hold the ring on the peg with your thumb on one hand. If not, turn the key "on" and operate the shifter until you can get the ring over the peg, hold the ring on the peg with your thumb, and then shift back to Park. Start the car, and shift to Reverse or Drive if needed. Then, take your thumb off the ring. I was always paranoid about the car accidentally slipping into Park while I was driving, but it didn't happen for the time I drove it that way. When you want to park the car again, hold the ring over the peg with your thumb and shift to Park. Using the park brake as well is a good idea. Now I'll go find links. EDIT: Found them. This is my most recent post about it. Basically, there used to be a rubber grommet in the end of that ring, but it dried up and cracked. You can't get the grommet loose piece from Toyota. To fix it, you need some rubber or vinyl tubing, and an 8 mm E-clip from the hardware store. Shift lever assembly? Being lazy | PriusChat
More interesting with these gen ones by the day so you have a joystick controller with a mechanical connection lovely I guess they had real trouble letting go and those early days that is really too much I guess I'm kind of glad I have not taken the plunge into the gen 1 arena and giving the plastic problems and all like a lot of them That's probably a good idea they're very cute but they can sit I guess.
I dunno, if I had to choose between a mechanical Bowden cable that parks/unparks the transmission or a $600 switched-reluctance motor controlled by its own ECU to do the same thing, I might pick the mechanical cable.
I've had one break and just used something, I don't remember what, off of the spinning display of plastic clips at an auto parts store. One of mine is broken right now. I'm guessing it broke with the parking brake off, so it goes in all the gears just fine for driving. I just have to set the parking brake with my foot every time I park.
I cannot thank you enough. My son’s Gen1 Prius just did this out of the blue and we thought she was a goner for sure. You saved us from having it towed to a mechanic.