Swapped to Corolla/Matrix 1.8L injectors today, Corolla part #23250-21040. Perfect fit: runs just fine without a tune, although I do plan on getting one soon. Only negative was a roughly-tenth of a second increased lag or hesitation off the line when at low idle. Its negligible though worth noting. There is a noticable increase in torque in the low end when the engine is already under load otherwise though. Slightly more burble after revs as well. Took about 30-35min total, only needed a 10mm, 12mm and an 8mm for the pipe clamp on the intake, and some towels for the gas that spills out the fuel rail, though it was only about 2-3oz. Don't overtighten the fuel rail bolts on reinstall; the plugs won't sit right if so. Once the intake and EGR valve connection were off it was smooth sailing. All current mods are listed in my profile description.
gotta get a better obd2 device, mine only allows me to read/clear thrown codes; although none were shown after the swap, it was as seamless as could be. Id still like to get everything checked and tuned though just to make sure its all good. To my surprise im actually getting better Mpg though, around 34-37city (compared to the 26-30mpg city i was getting after the short ram intake install); i have a long highway trip tomorrow so ill take note of my mpg and update post again tomorrow night. If you are aware of the name of the toyota link device used to load up the obd2 data onto my pc id love if you could link it so i can purchase one PS I only ever drive in maintenance mode (TC off) and use B mode almost every time I stop so that the engine stays running at almost all times, so in light of that, 34-37mpg is astounding
Hi I haven't been on this site in a long long time. I also have quite the mod list on my Prius C. I have it running on e85 fuel using eflex fuel kit and have gotten a lean fuel error code System Too Lean - P0171 Code - Toyota. I'm really curious about the fuel injector mod. And wanted to try to install over the weekend to see if it fixes the issue. Have you had any issues?
I'm not too sure on how to get that info. I do have an OBD sensor. I used fuel injectors 23250-0D050 for the 1.8l and it works. No issues yet and did feel a more pep in the seat dyno. Does anyone know the difference between the stock fuel injectors and the 23250-0D050/23250-21040 Like specs .fuel pressure psi and ccs.
havent had any issues at all, Still tuning great i dont have the long term and short term fuel trim data of my old injectors but will reinstall them and replicate the test i did the other day of the 1.8 injectors (link below) would love to hear more about your e85 setup, also as far as the injectors go id just send it on the install because it was super easy, just dont over tighten the fuel rail bolts lol, sprays gas everywhere if you do graph dashboard
Yeah! It's did clear the error code. I felt way less lag. But I also have a throttle controller. It makes a difference in throttle response. I'm currently using the throttle controller from shift power. There is a few brands to choose from.
If there is an OBDII sensor and a phone on the Android system. Free program Hybrid assistant. Can save data and create all kinds of graphs.
Update: Its a couple months later; I've Since swapped tires a couple times and it seems as though my average MPG with these injectors sits around 35-43MPG; After cleaning my airfilter again I'm no longer experiencing any lag (though marginal) on take off
Not so much about how tight the rail bolts are, more a matter of technique getting the injectors and their O rings into the rail. Never hurry over those details. Building an engine that sprays gas all over itself is not too safe. Going on, if you do have an O ring hung up, and then blindly crank down on the rail bolts, it can be lucky if you can recover just by getting a new O ring and doing it over right. Sometimes you'll crush the injector.