EVs, Hybrids Set to Exceed 50% of China Car Sales for First Time - Bloomberg this news is revealing in that our media has tried to pour tons of clickbait drama into plug-in sales news that occasionally shows sales dip (implying the end us near for plugins) down on their upward spiral. .
I'd love to go to Norway and China and see how things are going for them. I think the problem in the USA is that most of us have, at most, a friend who has an EV. People (including me, who even owned an EV for a while) are afraid of the unknown.
From a total energy source perspective, it makes a lot of sense for them to power a generation's worth of cars with (ultimately) coal, nuclear & hydro rather than petroleum.
You don't have to go that far. BYD of China is in talks with Mexico to set up a factory there. China is also exporting a lot of their cars to Mexico and South America, to help with their pollution issues in their larger cities. China produces more cars than their citizens can buy and produces most of the rare earth elements required for high tech electronics.
Yes, but that's still going to take time. I do see a few EV's when I go to Mexico, but not a whole lot yet. If most new car buyers in Mexico buy EV, that's still a small percentage of car buyers, as most seem to buy the cheapest used cars out there. There's not a lot of options when your salary is $35 a day. So I don't see me knowing a lot of people in Mexico with EV's for quite some time, as they probably won't be getting into an EV until at least 10 years from now.