Hi Folks, We have a 2015 Prius V/5. According to my research on used parts, the critical information is the 7th and 8th characters of the VIN and the number on the unit face. Those are EU and 510056. I have to replace the info/radio because the digitizer has gone bad. What I am wondering, is whether or not I can upgrade it to an OEM unit with GPS, and if so, how do I find which exact OEM unit is compatible with my vehicle. Any advice would be appreciated.
I think if anyone could help it’s our resident mfd expert @gromittoo Here’s a thread where he discusses various Prius v head units 2012 Prius v MFD failure/how to replace | PriusChat
The 2012 v Five carries the 57011 HD with AM FM SAT AUDIO with Siamesed YY050 extension box for MAPS GPS NAV and APPS. Option was the JBL head unit. Believe those ro have been used through model year 2015. The YY050 extension boxes are progressively failing due to cracked solder joints and warped PC boards, Find the latesr production date you can. Our 2011 dated unit started to fail in late 2023. Replaced it with a 2014 production unit and hope to get another few years use.
Gromittoo was very helpful. New-to-me 510057 is installed. Unfortunately, I cannot plug the after market GPS antenna into the head unit. I cannot seem to find an adapter or anything with this shape plug who's name seems to just be "for Toyota" Any tips? 20240823_132647 by Neo314 posted Aug 23, 2024 at 1:41 PM
It seems @gromittoo had this or a similar problem as well. I found some reference to this on the forum but it appears the actual links disappeared during one the forum crashes. Maybe gromittoo has more details. This is something I found at the time
Got it. I saw the second, but did not see how that helped my cause. Right now, I have this coming which I think will work. I may buy the other to be sure...
On the fence about this for later. So far, the replacement YY050 box is providing a 57011 life-extension. Just lack the USB power/data port to try to update the Entune version.