These are the funniest things I've seen in a long time. I haven't seen SNL be funny in years: And as much as I hate it, some guys at Clemson put together a funny Hey Ya remix with the She Bangs guy: or the 40 meg version:
Anyone want to bet that guy winds up making more money than all the Idol winners combined? Almost like some sort of a setup.
I thought he was hilarious as well, but I gotta compliment that guy. It took tremendous guts. I went to Berkeley as an engineering student too, so i sent him a complimentary email after seeing the show.
He had a great attitude, which is what really made people like him. This was my first year watching the auditions, and so many people have a microphone stuck up their nice person!
I don't think he ever left! His fame is sort of akin to that of the Iraqi Information Minister (may his 'stomach roast in hell'), what with a web site dedicated to him and all.
On American Idol, that is. It's funny how some people are so disillusioned with themselves on that show. They get mad, say how good they are, disrespect the judges. His attitude is what is making him succed where others have failed (but then his failure was his success....) In any case, more power to him.