An idle day dream while Full Self Driving took me home: Autopilot chastity is its own reward . . . and punishment. Bob Wilson
Pay no attention to the dementors; expecto patronum! Tesla’s Self-Driving Software Is Getting Better | Barron's
Ahhhh - to abbreviate, it's really about whether or not there is an aptitude (or i should say ineptitude) for appreciating the software's ability? How many hours of training & appreciation for what autopilot in a commercial jet can('t) do? When the commercial version is running as designed yet the operator fails, who does it fall on? afaik the legislators don't eradicate the system when there is operator error. .
The aircraft pilot does receive hours of training to learn how to use autopilot and what responsibilities are when using it. Since we aren't requiring that for car ADAS, the systems need robust driver monitoring to counter that lack and general human behavior. Then when it comes to safety systems, we need to be stricter with marketing 'puffery'.
Puffery will likely never die out. Instead we have warning labels on everything. To the 400 lb person who tears off the label and fails to read it that says "do not use this chair as a step stool" .... implying that if you do a leg may likely break off a chair & then you'll fall to the ground breaking your neck. Should the warnings State all the possible scenarios? I suppose that too could be labeled as a warning failure? The world is chock full of litigious people doing lots of foolish things. Some warning labels are translated into a dozen languages because it's so prevalent ... as well as manufacturers needing to exculpate liability.
We do have laws around what can and can not be said in advertising. And maybe corporations shouldn't use terms for names the general public doesn't fully understand, or have videos of the CEO doing the things drivers shouldn't do.
Senator Warren joins senators Markey, Shaheen, Blumenthal, Sanders, and Duckworth who see Musk as someone to criticize. Bob Wilson
Yeah, that poor slob musk gets it from both sides. One side wants to destroy him because the politics don't align, while the other side wants to destroy him because the politics don't align with continual overuse of fossil fuels.
Have you ever spent time reading all the labels on a ladder? A young kid could grow tall enough to not need the ladder while reading it all Mike
Yikes! I thought we were grabbing our ankles at $160 which includes landline, 4 boxes & a mobile box in the Moterhome. No more complaints here .
... and even that is well above what my household is willing to pay, though we did elect for lower mobile and internet service levels, and get TV from an old fashioned outdoor antenna.
Actually just yesterday I did. At 81 years young I climbed because I was the only one who met the weight limits. And I have the scars on my noggin from bumping into things in the attic. No brains leaked out, not many there to start with.
With all the cars Tesla sells in china, you would think so. But even so, the competition is nipping at his heels. According to this read, mobileye: Mobileye: Tesla’s Worst Nightmare — Aurora Asset Management. .