Got bored while cleaning out the car today so I went into Maintenance Mode to check on the 12V and other stuff. I found some codes under the "LAN Monitor EMV" (pic attached). Scanguage is not reading any codes or pending codes. Everything normal (aside form the Maint Reqd light flashing at startup cause i'm due for an oil change.) edit: photo is upside down. here are the codes: 01 - DB 190 - D6 - F 01 - D5 190 - 50 - C 01 - D8 110 - 8A - 2 01 -D8 190 - 1D - 1 Does anyone know what these are? And what the heck does LAN Monitor EMV stand for? thanks!
Its gibberish hexi data. Ignore. Hundreds of query's about that here over the years. EMV is the type of touchscreen the MFD is.
Okay. Maybe just for kicks I'll ask the dealership when i take it in for the steering recall. Thanks!
Interesting sidenote: Since I replaced the 12 volt battery I am no longer seeing the code's the OP was asking about. I too ignored them after doing some research here on PC. Ron
so all these are (L)ocal (A)rea (N)etwork errors on the Dash network / Entertainment Media(Music) Video: Also includes the Navigation system if you have the package Consol - Error type - Memory address of device reporting - Connection - Times seen 01 - DB - 190 - D6 - F 01 - Console (Communication Control) (DB) (Dual Alarm [aka Inspection for the device indicated by the sub code] ) 190 (memory address this case [Radio Receiver Assembly] ) D6 [Connection Point (Manual for where D6 is for radio assembly corresponds to is needed) F (Times reported F hex for 16 likely max count) No idea what the D6 / 50 / 1D connections correspond to with out the print, but if your radio works likely nothing to worry about ;P could be as simple water/ static on antenna to lost radio station 110 is the Display Screen, Id assume the touch screen and could be simple as a misread or tapped area not active button .. just jibberish on the communication buss for the dash has picked up, on the Local Area Network To get real Errors for operations of the vehicle need the codes from the ODBN Ports,,
How bad it is to press delete (CodeCLR) on those? I got mine suffering from not turning off but showing everything and I unplugged 12V battery together with HEV fuse to shut it down. Now it doesn't pass from accessory mode (never shows READY) neither shows anylight on POWER Button and doesn't react on pressing the power button (even long press like 1 min) On a enlightened moment I bumped against those screens and pressed clear everywhere, but not changes. Also left it for 1day without 12V battery and HV battery fuse unplugged, and charged the 12V battery it only reached up to 12,8V and still no reaction? should I buy a new 12V (the current one as 4years and is original one) or straight send it to dealership/workshop?
The trouble codes you see on the infotainment system are only trouble codes about the infotainment system. In those rare cases when you're trying to solve a problem in the infotainment system, those codes are valuable information. But they are completely unrelated to OBD-II diagnostic codes for the car itself, so these codes are nothing but distraction if you're having a problem with the engine or brakes or anything else in the car that isn't infotainment. For car problems, you need to use an OBD-II scan tool that is able to get the relevant trouble codes from the car. As for these infotainment codes, they might be telling you about some incipient problem there, which could be interesting if you care, and if you haven't got more pressing issues with the actual car to focus on. Or they might be telling you about stuff that happened months ago. If you haven't noticed anything weird using the infotainment stuff, just clear 'em and see if they ever come back.
iupppp I do have far more urgent issues to take care, but ask for semi professional help (not yet going to official delaership and hopefully won't be needed) let the fun begin
Hahahaha, go ahead, give it a try! Seriously, that button is there to taunt you, it doesn't respond to presses for me, at least.
I seem to have forgotten this post/comment, the final fix was <please make sure to be seated with backs support before reading the rest> basically the power button was disconnected (it was not clicked when connected last time) I was afraid to open it, and then ordered a used one (there was no light or reaction from the button) and the mechanic opened everything and found it it was disconnected, yes you can drive 40 000km and around 3y with 3 periodic inspections performed to the car WITH A POWER BUTTON NOT PROPERLY CONNECTED eventually it unplugs during drive (passing some hole or road bump) and then it doesn't look at all a problem with the power button.
It was badly connected 3~4years ago when the Odometer was "changed" because of s 299999. so basically after lots of driving it ended up disconnected. But since it got to apparent accessory mode it looked like those issues with MFD and failing dashboard. this was after unplugging the 12V Battery and the HEV fuse to turn it off when he didn't shut down. Then jumped immediately to this mode and no light or reaction from the power button. out of desperation ordered a used Power button (everywhere was written those things don't fail, but nowhere was written it can be disconnected) and when the mechanic open the dashboard found the issue (my fault, should have done it myself) so according to the mecanik we need to be sure that it clicks when plugging it, needs to be a bit forced. This was so terrible that there were no codes nothing in the diagnose, simply it appeared to be stuck on that mode.