If you mean just the fuel pump in an NA-market Prius then, no. You have to change the whole fuel tank to change any of the components like the pump or sender. Before doing that, you can check the pump works (or not) and the fuel sender for reasonable (or not) readings at the connector on top of the tank and under the rear seat. Search the Gen 2 forum threads (using the Advanced Search option) for the details on those two tests.
In a last ditch attempt to do whatever you're doing in other Toyotas and other years before fuel pumps got really inexpensive and some Toyotas I used to pull through the dead fuel pump inside of the tank with an external pump and pump that right up to the fuel rail never had a problem and I've done this many times I know it works You just have to get the hoses right so you can pull through the dead in tank pump . And make the car work maybe for a long long time and not touch the tank if that's your end game If it's a real nice car and it's a keeper try and see if you can get a gas tank from one of the Aussie boys yeah I mean like Australia a gas tank from Australia and it's evap system that hangs right next to it doesn't come that way in America you can change the fuel pump in the UK model just by pulling up the plate under the seat and so on there is no bladder I bet almost anybody in their right mind could get that UK tank and evap system to working in American car quite easily quite quickly and then you'll never change it again and you can change your level sensor too so there's always that a salvage tank in Australia with the evap canister I mean maybe $125 yeah 500 to get it here but hey the problem is solved forever course in this day and age most people aren't going to make it with a generation 2 until something goes wrong and then it comes to people like me Not many people are going to be doing work on a generation too in lots of circles because well their friends will be having lots nicer vehicles in their mind anyway so this can't continue you'd be shocked at how well that works.
I still keep thinking that something like a Yaris or a matrix fuel tank should be able to be misogged into a Prius their chassis are almost well identical or very close even if you have to gently dent the tank a little bit to get the bumps and humps to line up so what And then there should be plastic options once you have the tank out and on the ground to look at it really well You should be able to computer model that up and look at tanks from other stuff plastic tanks mount really easily and all of that sort of thing so all you got to do is get something to fit you'll be able to use the teats that exist especially on a plastic tank and add your own where needed for all the sucking and blowing for the evap hoses that should be fairly easy especially on a plastic tank adding the fittings blocking the fittings and all that A metal might be a little more challenging but usually these tanks have all plenty of fittings on them already what's not used or blocked off plugged up whatever just I don't think anybody spent the time to figure this out or maybe they have and I just don't see the text hell Tesla people are trailering batteries down the road for extended range so I'm sure coming up with a fuel tank to fit in the Prius shouldn't be too tough back in the old days they made it inflatable tank that laid in the trunk but at a tube that ran to the other tank of course that's not optimal for a Prius but and it was certified by the DOT to go in station wagons and vans whatever they were doing with them so the tank thing shouldn't be a huge obstacle It's just quicker to throw in another junker like that's already in there and if it works your problem solved and nobody cares anymore.
You shouldn't really be promoting something that you don't know will work. Here's your chance to get an Australian/UK/Japanese Prius, a Yaris, or a Matrix fuel tank and ' misog' it into a Prius. Make sure there are no emissions-related lights up on the dash, then we can talk.
I'm actually hoping I can find something in the US that will work to do this I just haven't had the been able to apply the time to do that somebody should have already or else it's not worth it I have no idea to me it would be worth it to be able to change the fuel pump in the level sender there's no question the tank from the UK will work You should get the evap canister insistant with it obviously but what do you mean I know won't work I don't know any such thing I know if I get it here it will be easy to make it work very simple Do I know this No but I've done it with other vehicles so it'll be very similar I'm not promoting anything If they get the tank in the evap canister here I might fly up and help do the install and see what happens because I can do that .
You know that for sure? How is that? Have you had a UK tank in your hands? What I know is that the EVAP plumbing on a US tank is much more complicated than the plumbing on my tank. It might be a good idea to actually get the tank, make it work and then you can recommend that to others.
No but I have the plumbing diagrams laid out on the desk right in front of me right now and they usually sit here that's what gets me to thinking about this but yes I would much rather find a US adaptable tank preferably maybe in plastic vinyl PVC whatever those tanks are and all the American cars now not metal be even possible to maybe have a injection molding company blow one up extrude one and then I could use my EVAP system that's sitting in the car . And what I've just purchased on the shore that we will make everything work and get the lights out there may be one or two hoses that have to be fooled but I don't think so look at the diagrams carefully You have access to them they're right there but I'm feeling like there should be a tank already in the States that should be suitable and from a Toyota like I say I just haven't had time to play I may never get that time at this point but somebody might. But given the cars age and all that no this will go to death with the rest of the cars that's all or I'll get around to it and it'll be done but it won't matter nobody will care except me.
Sure nothing is ever much in my head most everything that's been done on Toyota mods has been done wasn't a head about it The stuff fits her it pretty much doesn't I mean that's that's not how this works once you get it up in there to get a few lights off and fool a few things is generally not a huge problem but I see that it has been for years just getting the check engine light off for PO420 codes but oh well that may be legal issues and given townships I don't know don't really care exactly there's no theoretical about it there is a tank that will bolt up into the car once that's located whether I don't care where it is. It'll be put up into the car and then it'll work because it's an evap hose routing and a light that's like the least of my worries I don't have to worry about evap hose routings and or lights where I personally live y'all do I'm so sorry I can put a fuel tank in the trunk of my Prius if I desire they make those not for the Prius but for in general use extended use fuel cells. They've been around for years they can just be added on so that's another way to go I just don't want to add 7 in to my floor height in the trunk or something silly but it's doable and it wouldn't trip anything as people are really that worried about changing their fuel pump and it's a big deal to them You can just pull through the existing fuel pump with your external mount electric pump which you can buy from every American manufacturer on the planet practically and plenty of Euro Asian manufacturers anyway yeah you'll get to see it with pictures and everything buddy I imagine because they'll get sent to somebody just don't see that much of a big deal to it I just literally have to go out and round up the tank and that may take a few minutes because I have other things to do also more important things like setting service wire and wiring up my property and changing out some stuff in my well things like that that matter for living cars I got plenty transportation
Looks like it's actually been sorted some time ago apparently the Corolla tank from what it looks like a guy had it in his car and working just not exactly properly by reading his stuff I think I can see why Not a huge issue so I'll snatch one of those Corolla tanks here in the next few weeks more than likely and have it sitting on site I am not doing this to have anything to do with larger capacity 425 miles or so is quite fine I'll have to stop around that time if not before anyway so when I'm not driving anywhere I've got to drive extended periods and worry and fear of not getting gas It's a long ways away from that but yeah very cool I guess the pictures and all are here on this site what have you Not worried about a bunch of evap nonsense once I'm under there I'll get most of that sorted sorting out event pressure sensor and all this not going to be any big thing I don't believe we'll just create vent pressure No problem