Hi guys, I have the 2023 Limited Prius with 8 speaker JBL. It’s not great imo. I want to replace all the speakers and maybe an amp. Might as well get a high end range like Morel. Thoughts on how much that would cost?
What do you feel is missing? Bass not hitting hard enough? Highs not clear? What is your budget? From what I know, having the JBL system does add some complication to the aftermarket upgrade process. I don't know the specific details, I came from non-JBL and did my own aftermarket upgrades and it was pretty plug and play (after tweaking crossovers and gains) after I got my extensions done up to intercept the signals in and out of the head unit. I'd start by reading other people's upgrade journeys in older models, use that as a foundation for what to expect. You searched for jbl - black_jmyntrn
Yeah you likely don't need to upgrade for that usage case. In fact I'd start by trying to see if ALL audio from different sources (phone, xm radio, fm radio, apple music, etc) has the same issue. If all sources of audio have some sort of distortion or crackling then you might just have a faulty head unit or amp or something. Because you shouldn't be getting that kind of noise normally. If other sources are clean and it's just your audio books, then I'd start figuring out how to fix that instead of throwing money and parts at upgrades that may not fix it.
I generally do the same for all my cars. I omit the rear speakers and basically run a 2.1 system. Omitting the rear speakers (just unplug or front fade) improves the soundstage. I replace the fronts with a component set and run a JLw3 as a sub. Previously I replaced my headunits - but for my gen5 (which I have not yet received) I'll try to run it off the stock unit. For your use, I'd fade out the rear and find good replacement speakers for the front stage. If you can find the specs of the stock JBL speakers - find replacements with the same nominal resistance, preferably with a higher sensitivity and with a similar crossover range. I have not received my gen5 yet, but will start modding when I receive it. Stereo, spare tire, cargo/sleep platform (for camping) are a must for me. I really wish factory units came with RCA out and a center channel.
Costs? Well, it seems you are aware of the ohms and amplifier needs. Then there is a subwoofer and enclosure, perhaps. Without a search, I assume there are multiple threads on head unit compatibility. This may be easy enough to research the costs of the parts. Then labor. Accessing all the OEM speaker locations (4-door trim panel removal, dash access), wiring additions, etc. Are you DIY, or subletting to a stereo shop? Offhand, I estimate a full day (8 hours) maybe 1.5 days. Times your local labor rate. Yes, I too appreciate good stereo sound. Paul McCartney and John Paul Jones bass lines for the win
I test drove another Gen 5 XLE yesterday and had time to play with the radio. Sounded like a small transistor radio speaker coming from the dashboard compared to the JBL in my Gen 2. : / We switched the speaker balance slightly towards the back speakers. It was originally set in the middle. Sounded a little better. I won’t be in the position to upgrade unless there is something low cost that I can do. To be honest I would be worried about having an installer mess with my new car. Any suggestions regarding ways to set the OEM system in order to get best possible sound? I’m clueless. My Gen 2 sounds great. I bought it used with no upgraded stereo and adjusted nothing. I listen a variety of music plus audio books. : )
You should really have started your own thread on this, BUT since we're here... 1. The speakers in the Gen5 are old speakers. Toyota uses the same speakers across different vehicles for years. The door speakers I personally dated back to at least being around for 6 years based on part number and matching other older Toyota door speakers. 2. The dash speakers are junk. The good news is that they are VERY easy to replace and inexpensive to do so. Buy some 1-2in TWEETERS (not mids and not coax speakers). Make sure they have either bass blocker capacitors that come with them or they have some crossover accessory. Or you can buy your own bass blocker caps and put them on the positive wire yourself. Not hard. Basically you do not want lows and mids coming from your dash speakers. 3. Rear output in many Toyotas including this one is garbage. It's a different signal than what's being sent to the front. It's weak, and while I haven't done a spectrum analysis on it (lazy and no reason since I'm not gonna use it) I'm betting it has certain frequencies totally cut off. Set the speaker balance to middle again, open the front and rear door, then listen to music with your head at the speaker in each door. You'll hear how the signal being sent to the rears is useless. So all fading to the rear did was rob your front channel of power while doing nothing to enhance the rear weak signal. But honestly, if you only do one thing and you are on a budget, do the dash speakers and do them right (bass blocker or crossover to protect them and get the best sound from them). All you have to do is change ONE of the two dash speakers, then while playing some music you fade from left to right to hear the difference between the new and old speaker. I guarantee you most speakers, even a coax tweeter will sound much clearer than the OEM dash speakers. Edit: Actually, if you are ONLY going to do the dash speakers and will not touch door speakers, maybe it'd be better to get some coax speakers up front. They'll fill out the mids a bit better and will probably be clearer sounding than whatever the door speakers are outputing for that range since the OEM door speakers aren't the greatest. Something to think about. And I guess with coax you can always cut off the low end with a specific range bass blocker capacitor later if you want.
Sound like a bad connection between the audio device (phone?) and the car. Try a wired connection to the audio device and see if it's better. A USB thumb drive with the same files it is an easy test.