Does any one know why if the accelerator is floored in N, nothing happens but if done in P, the engine races and turns on if off??
I knew that the engine doesn't do anything when the accelerator is pressed while in N, never tried it in P though.
Both Prius (Classic and '04) for me will rev if the accelerator is pressed while in P. N is a completely unmanaged mode - so it would make sense that it doesn't rev too.
Mine does but I would not call it racing just higher RPMs than the usual idle speed. Seems to have just 2 speeds but maybe that is just my hearing. I hear nearly nothing then very rapid switch to a higher speed.
I have the EV mod installed but it doesn't activate unless the big battery is at least half charged so I floor the accelerator while in "P" and in a minute or two, the battery is fully charged. I realize the gas wasted doing that more than offsets any saving from EV so I only do this when I want to demo EV to someone else (hardly ever after the first week).
Steve's correct...this is called "forced charging" of the HV battery. The degree of 'Reving" is very dependent upon the battery SOC, it will not rev at all beyond a certain level. That is why some of you have probably never experienced it...that and more than likely you've never had a reason to try!
Just went out and plugged in the miniscanner. engine temp 67C BSOC 59.5% Battery voltage 302 idle speed 1120 RPM floored in park speed 2242 RPM, held it there for about 30 seconds and that was the stabilized RPM
I'll experiment some more with the BSOC and temp tomorrow on the way to work as I nomally have it over 60% BSOC. I'm wondering if that is a threshold or it combined with some other parameter.
Not sure what you're driving at Frank....To force charge you're gonna have to hold the pedal for more than 30 seconds. Try it for say 4-5 minutes monitoring/recording the SOC vs ICE RPM every minute or every 30 seconds. But 30 seconds during a warm-up phase isn't adequate to determine a trend. Or were you just trying to establish the maximum RPM for a given SOC when in park? Just not quite sure what you were trying to show/determine here.?
i also tried the rev and got nothing. i guess my battery was charged. Evan, thanks for a very good explanation.
Evan on the first try I was just trying to establish that you could get it to rev. The 30 second time was after about 3 minutes with it floored but it was going up and down a bit 50-75RPM so held it an additional 30 seconds or so just to make sure after it settled on 2242-actually up and down about 7RPM and that speed is the average. Had to go out later so tried it again after about 6 miles and in S4 BSOC 64.5% 0 RPM ICE temp 87C floored in Park stabilized RPM 2251 so will try and see what the BSOC has to be for it to not rev up in Park.
this is actually a good thing, if it charges. remember that storing the car for long periods of time can ruin the HV battery, so if you leave it fully charged, you can probably store the car longer without running it
Nah... it's gotta be for when you're sitting next to somebody at a red light and you want to let them know you'll be first out of the intersection when it turns green. :mrgreen:
an interesting thing about the so called forced charging. It don't. After about a 15 mile drive I came to a halt and put it in park and floored it, 2251 RPM BSOC 64.5% and rate of charge at the time amounted to -1.73 amps. In a few snap tests I've never had it charged more than 2 amps. It sounds like its loading MG1 but doesn't charge anything. Hot or cold no difference. Sounds like it should be putting out at least 50 amps, nada.
current flow has to overcome current level in the battery. the meter only measures the difference. if you cant exceed what is already in the battery, then it wont register anything. although i would think that 65% would be low enough to allow charging. although i have noticed weird cutoff points for charging under different circumstances. once right after i got my car, i was in park with the air conditioning running at the ford dealership showing off the car right after i gotten it. i happened to look at the state of charge and was in the red with only 3 bars left. i expected the ICE to come on and charge the car. after a few minutes when it didnt come on, i got nervous as i was down to 2 bars. so i ended up leaving. it was only after i started moving that the ICE came on and charged the battery back up. scary!! a couple of times since then, ive tried to recreate that scenario and it hasnt worked... so... who knows?
this morning I tried it and 53%BSOC and 1 amp charge. So tomorrow I'll run it down to 50 or less and try it again. I'm of the opinon that it doesn't charge the battery at this point in time.