Sometime a cut and paste screws up the formatting. Obviously this was a solicitation letter but it also carries an important message about where we get our news: Giving the moderator a 'heads up.' Bob Wilson
i fell for one of those after enjoying an article or two. then the flood came, and i had to bail out. wiki asks once a year and they never bother me in between.
A few climatologists have put it out there like Mann, and got slings and arrows similarly. There may be about 100 doing similar work but who ‘media’ less. Expectations for future climates are what they are, and have little connection to media clicks towards prominent voices or those of their detractors. We are on a clear path temperature-wise for several decades, after which things get more uncertain. Both because atmos CO2 depends on energy paths not yet chosen, and climate models are not perfect. Outcomes are poorly constrained because everything depends on everything else, and Mann among many do not talk about interconnections. Climate change in 21st century might be faster but not larger than what Earth has had before. The difference is that human domination of Earth is different now than ever before. Mann does not talk about that to the media, and I don’t know who does it well